CME Group Tour Championship

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Carlota Ciganda

Flash Interview

Q. All right, here with Carlota Ciganda after her third round at the CME Group Tour Championship. Another 9-under here. What is it about the course that you were able to do that today?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I been playing good all week. The first day I hit 15 greens; didn't mistake many putts; yesterday was more of a grind; was a good 2-under.

Today I just went out there and I was, yeah, trying my best. I had a good putting session this morning that I thought that was key.

Started really good with three birdies. Bogeyed 4, but managed to birdie 6, the par-5.

Then the back nine I hit it really close. Like I think I had three or four tap-ins.

Great eagle on 17. That was a long putt, probably 28, 30-foot.

Then, yeah, good putt on 18, and very happy with the round.

Hopefully I can have a chance tomorrow.

Q. What kind of mental state were you in after your putting session to go off and shoot three birdies right off the bat?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I mean, I thought I was close, closer than what I think. Usually I think golfers, we overthink and do too much instead of just believing how good we are and believing all the hard work we do every day and the whole year.

Yeah, I just had a good putting session with some lines and a couple drills that I do. Yeah, it was really good.

Q. Since this is the last tournament of the year I want to ask if you could give a quick year-in-review for yourself. We've some really big moments with you, especially the Solheim Cup. What has this year been like overall for you?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: It's been a very solid year, very consistent. Playing some great golf. Solheim was unbelievable, a week that I won't forget. Very, very nice.

After that I haven't been playing amazing. I'm just a little tired and running down on adrenaline. I wanted to play good this week to finish the year on the LPGA, and that's what I'm trying to do, just fight until the last hole.

Yeah, I'm very happy with the year that I am having.

Q. What were some of the mental keys for you this season? You've played a lot of really solid golf; KPMG was super solid. What has been the mental key to have that solid stretch of golf?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I think for me, to be that solid it's just work. I think when you work and you put the hours and work hard, that's what it gives you, the confidence. Then when you see that on the course, I know I have -- I know I'm mentally tough and I know I can compete against anyone.

But I think working hard with my coach, working hard with my team, with my caddie every week, and just, yeah, talking about everything, stats, how we can improve, how we can get better going to a course and just doing the strategy before we play.

I think we work really hard on just, yeah, believing in myself. I think the work ethic, it's what is important for me, just work and practice.

Q. You said I know it's been a little bit slower the last couple weeks, but do you really kind of, when you're in the slower moments, think back to the final round at Baltusrol, Solheim, to really pick yourself up and know that a round like today is just right around the corner?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, you have to see some good shots and some good results, but, yeah, I know I am capable of going low in any course.

Yeah, I think I'm tired. I think it's the end of the year and everyone is tired, so it's hard to sometimes keep pushing. I do try to go and visualize all the good rounds I had this year, what I was thinking, feeling.

For sure it helps a lot. I had my coach last week and this week, and that gives me confidence as well. So I think it is just, yeah, believing in myself and believing how good I am.

Q. Looking at the scorecard, tell us a little bit about the eagle and how that came about.

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, so I've been hitting driver on that hole. I par both days, having a 7-iron on Thursday and yesterday I had a 4-iron.

So today the wind was helping, driver; I had the run out on the right so I hit a fade, so I was like, let's just hit the 3-wood. The pin was on the front so I knew I had an (indiscernible) to the green. So I hit a 3-wood; didn't hit it great. And then I had 200 meters to the hole. Hit a 4-iron. The wind was helping so I hit a high one. It was just an amazing shot. Like it was right at the pin, carried to the front, and then it went past probably 28, 30-foot downhill.

I remember that putt from other years because I played here a lot of years, so it's just funny how sometimes you remember those putts or shots that you've hit in the past. My caddie gave me the read and it just went straight in the hole.

Q. Last one from me: Coming off a round like this it's hard to follow up a super low round. At this point you've got nothing to lose. You're chasing. What's the mindset heading into tomorrow?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, trying to do the same. I think I hit 14 fairways today. I think that's key in this golf course to be in play.

Yeah, hit as many greens as I can. My putter felt great, so hopefully I can feel the same tomorrow and have a low one again.

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