CME Group Tour Championship

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Alison Lee

Flash Interview

Q. Here with Alison Lee after her third round after shooting a round like yesterday, did today feel maybe a little slower. Were you happy to get another bogey-free round under your belt?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, definitely. I mean, you can never complain with a 4-under par. I just felt like today I hit it really well. Just couldn't make the putts that I wanted to make.

I played with Nasa today. She played amazing. Made a lot of really good putts. So watching that, obviously for me, I saw her make some and it's like, God, I want to make some, too.

But, yeah, we still got one more day left. Still a lot of work to do on Sunday. Yeah, I'm hitting it really good. Just need a few more putts to drop. I got to just stroke a little bit pore confidently I think.

Left quite a few today short. Didn't really feel comfortable. I didn't read some of the putts quite right. I want to say I think I hit 16 out of 18 greens, so hitting the ball really well. Just need a few more putts to drop, and hopefully that can come tomorrow.

Q. When you have a round like yesterday, does that give you confidence going into the last day when you know you have to chase a little bit?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, of course. It's so much fun. I was in this position the last two LPGA events, second to last group, trying to chase the leader, and sometimes that takes a little bit of pressure off because you just got to be in attack mode basically all day and try and play aggressive golf.

So, yeah, that's just the plan for tomorrow, try and play golf with no fear. Nobody is chasing me. Just me against whoever is in the lead and try and make as many birdies as I can.

Q. What have you learned about staying patient when putts aren't dropping? I feel like that is not something you have really mastered until maybe recently. I don't know that though.

ALISON LEE: Yeah, it definitely takes a lot of patience. Yeah, it's tough. It's frustrating out there, especially a day like today when it's pretty windy and you still see a lot of girls making a lot of birdies.

It's like, damn, I feel like it's playing tough but everyone is playing good. It definitely gets frustrating at times.

Yeah, like I said, I'm striking the ball really well. Just got to keep giving myself as many opportunities as I can. Still 18 more opportunities tomorrow basically.

So, yeah, even though it was frustrating a bit at times throughout the round, I feel like I played pretty solid. It was overall pretty boring. I didn't make too many mistakes, but didn't make a ton of good putts. All my birdies were standard birdies. Didn't make any long putts or anything like that.

So hopefully I'm saving them for tomorrow.

Q. Looking ahead to tomorrow, like Emily said, might have to chase a little bit, I guess how have you learned to attack? What does Alison Lee attacking a golf course in this scenario look like?

ALISON LEE: I guess just trying to, like I said, make as many birdies as I can. With that risk-reward mindset because I am three back, knowing that I need to take those risks tomorrow, even though it might put me in a bad position or the risk might not be a good option to have.

I just know all I want to do is win this event. Who cares. Who cares if I attack the pin on the last few holes and comes up short or make a bogey. As long as I gave it my all, especially going into tomorrow.

Three strokes seems like a lot, but could also change in a couple holes. Yeah, just going to try and attack pins tomorrow, play really aggressively, not worry too much about the consequences. At this point I played well the last couple weeks. I don't care if I come in second. I don't care if I come in 20th place.

I just want to get that win under my belt, especially since I put myself in a good position going into tomorrow.


Q. What did Fred say last night?

ALISON LEE: (Smiling.) I can see right now. Let's see, he texted me today. Just said, okay, kid, today just keep using your swing to carry you. You're putting great, playing like the champ that you are. Head high and brain clear, go get 'em.


Q. Could you put into words what a win would mean to you?

ALISON LEE: I mean, I don't think I could put it into words honestly. Just thinking about it doesn't seem real because I've been waiting for so long.

I feel like I excelled at every level before turning pro and I had a lot of high hopes and big goals for myself while playing professional golf.

I haven't been able to achieve anything really that I thought I would be able to achieve. For the longest time, I finally kind of accepted that I won't be the player that I thought I would be when I was young.

So just to be here, like the last month, like putting myself in contention over and over again, it's just been a really fun ride. No matter what happens tomorrow or the next year, if I do get that win or if I don't, I just know I gave it my best.

Like I said, I have been in that mentality where it's like, okay, if I don't win I'm fine with that. I've come to accept that. If I never do, I will be mentally okay. If I did win, it would just be a huge like amazing accomplishment to me.

I felt like it was so unattainable for so long. For it to be like so close, I want it so bad. I just want it so bad.

Yeah, no pressure tomorrow. Just going to try and have fun out there. I feel like I'm playing really great. Today I played really good. Just need a few more putts to drop.

That is what you need to win out here. I feel like I have everything in my game to win tomorrow. I just need a few more putts to go in. Just need to be able to navigate the course right and stay patient.

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