CME Group Tour Championship

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Amy Yang

Flash Interview

Q. Amy, another solid round for you. You haven't made a bogey since your first hole on Thursday. How does that feel?

AMY YANG: Wow. (Smiling.) That is good.

Yeah, boy, I wasn't even thinking about it. Yeah.

Q. I know you had a really solid round with lots of birdies yesterday. How hard was it to follow that up again today and another really solid round where you went really low?

AMY YANG: You know, I've been hitting the ball really solid and that really gave me lots of chances out there. My putting have been working so well, and just, yeah, was just everything worked out together well, yeah.

Q. After you shoot a 9-under round like you did yesterday, did you feel any pressure on yourself heading on to the first tee, like I have to follow that with something else really good? Did you feel that way this morning at all?

AMY YANG: I mean, it is feel quite nervous being in contention, but I never thought like I have to follow the 9-under par yesterday, because golf you never know.

But I did try my best just to stay like present, and when I decide to hit one shot and just commit to it and go for it, yeah.

Q. What has it mentally taken for you to get to this point where you can just throw up a 9-under and an 8-under back to back?

AMY YANG: Really like didn't -- not much. Really not much. (Laughter.)

I don't need to think about a lot of technical stuff or see where I am on the leaderboard or anything. Just to focus on what I have on each shot. That's all, yeah.

Q. I know you battled some injuries in recent years. To be playing this good of golf, what does it mean to really be playing as good as maybe you've ever played?

AMY YANG: Yeah, yeah, when I first had tennis elbow on my left arm I thought my career will be done very soon, so that wasn't very nice.

So I'm glad -- I think I'm 100% fully back, so I'm just happy where I am, yeah.

Q. What have you seen out of Tiburon this week that's really been suiting you? Clearly something this week is a little bit different than other years here.

AMY YANG: Just been hitting so well and putting so well. Like I don't know. (Laughter.) Yeah.

Q. Do you know what caused the tennis elbow?

AMY YANG: I did too much rock climbing.

Q. That's not what I was expecting. How long have you been a rock climber?

AMY YANG: No, I just started. Maybe almost a year, but towards the end I got really into it. I thought it was very fun so I overdid it. My forearm start to hurting and it got up to tennis elbow.

Q. Where did you rock climb?

AMY YANG: In Orlando. In the gym, yeah.

Q. When you were worried that maybe your career might be coming to an end, I guess when you came out here, how long did you think you would play? In your mind what did you think the longevity of your career would be?

AMY YANG: Back then, maybe like a year or two, because it was really hurting. Like I couldn't hit the ball through. I couldn't hit through the ball. I lost a lot of distance and scared about going for it and it took a while. I'm fully back now.

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