HSBC Women's World Championship

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hinako Shibuno

Press Conference

Q. It is your first time here at the HSBC Women's World Championship. How excited are you for this week?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I can go anywhere, so I'm not really having Singapore things.

Q. You've been competing in a couple LPGA events over last couple months. How comfortable are you feeling in your game as you get ready for this week?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I'm happy, you know, I have friends in the tournament and I'm happy about being here on the LPGA Tour.

Q. I know that's a goal for you, correct, is to play your way on to this tour. How much do you let that not soak in your mind when you're playing a round?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I'm badly waiting to play here.

Q. As a Major Champion yourself, what sort of impact do you think Hideki's win at the Masters will also have on golf in Japan?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I'm now wanting to win one more major tournament. That's a very huge impact for me.

Q. And do you think for younger golfers of Japan, they will look up to you like they have also looked up to Hideki, as well?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I don't want to be the model of everything. I just want to be watching them and playing with a smile and everything.

Q. As Jin Young says, a happy golfer on the course.


Q. What is the level of expectation with Japan hosting the Olympics, of reaching that Olympic Team, and also potentially, hopefully, winning a medal?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Athletes are waiting to play in the Olympics, and they want to have the Olympics in Tokyo but it's hard.

Q. Hard team to make. In what ways do you think there has been a positive effect of the rise of Japanese golf since your win in 2019 at the AIG Women's Open?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Well, I don't know if that's because of my win in 2019 British Open, but also Hideki made a very big, huge influence to everybody. That makes the world of golf in Japan, makes it more bigger and bigger. That's really good for us.

Q. As we take on Sentosa Golf Club, what have you thought about this course and what expectations have you set for the week?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: It's very tough on green. I don't want to make 3-putts for the whole week and I want to make under par for four days. I don't want to putt the ball in the water hazard like two weeks ago at Lotte.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107030-1-1003 2021-04-28 03:36:00 GMT

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