HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Brittany Altomare

Quick Quotes

Q. Maybe not the way you wanted to close out the round but take us through the first day in Singapore?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Yeah, I hit it really well and I was putting well. Just a little disappointed, well, really disappointed with how I finished. But yeah, hopefully I can just forget about it and just take some positives and there's three more days.

Q. I was going to say, three more days and those first 16 holes, especially, what was going so right, do you think? I know you said you were hitting it well. Do you think the putts were starting to roll in?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Yeah, a little bit of both. I hit it close and I hit some really close that I could have made and I also made some longer ones and it all just evens out. I felt good. I felt good the last like few weeks. I just need to kind of like put it together. So that's kind of been the most frustrating part of my game.

Q. When players say that, when they just want to put it together, does it come out of just like a really good round or does it come out of just more practice on the green or something like that?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: For me, it's like everything feels good. I just need to like score and continue to put myself in positions and post numbers, and I guess like -- you know what I'm trying to say.

Q. What's something you've been working on?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: Nothing specific. My swing and putting feels good. I just concentrate on course management and just feeling about out there and like really just staying in the present. Like I think sometimes I can like think too far ahead or about like everything else that's going on, and I think I'm starting to be a little bit better with just staying shot-to-shot which is what I've done really well in the past. Your mind like wanders and you have good days and bad days.

Q. We have a whole other day tomorrow, three more days of golf for you. What are you going to focus on and what positives can you take from today?

BRITTANY ALTOMARE: A lot of birdies and I hit a lot of greens, so I can just continue that and just eliminate some mistakes, I think we'll be good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107053-1-1003 2021-04-29 05:52:00 GMT

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