HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hee Young Park

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Great round today. How were things going so well for you today during this first round in Singapore?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I don't know, I just tried to survive with this heat in Singapore, which is -- I love it, but after played the front nine, I had a good moment on No. 10. Made a eagle. Then really makes everything easier, less pressure and then I played with nice people, nice girls today and we tried to have fun with this hot weather. So I think everything goes, like everything easy. Hit the fairways and greens and easy to make two-putt and sometimes birdie.

THE MODERATOR: You started off strong with birdie on the first hole. How much did that help build momentum for the rest of your round.

HEE YOUNG PARK: When I hit driver after the first tee, I actually went into a little bit of divot. So it was pressure but I hit really solid impact and I left about 3-, 4-foot putt and I made a birdie. That helped the rest of the holes.

THE MODERATOR: What was happening with the eagle on 10.

HEE YOUNG PARK: No. 1 I hit a really good shot, second shot. The penalty next to 1 and 10 each other, so I had to visualize good second shot on No. 1. It was different shot but I tried imagination, it was good, I almost had the same feel and made it.

THE MODERATOR: A couple holes later you had three consecutive birdies. What does that do for your confidence?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I did not think about, you know, how many holes I don't make the putt. I just try to every single shot focus on it, if I made it, it's great, if not, then just walk away.

THE MODERATOR: Being back in Singapore, different with the protocols, but you said you're a fan of this heat.

HEE YOUNG PARK: Yeah, I have a lot of good memories in Singapore and Thailand and Asia playing golf tournaments. Always reminds me, I played well before and I think I can do it. It kind of inspires me all the time, so I think it helps.

THE MODERATOR: Have you been waiting to come back and play the Asia Swing events?

HEE YOUNG PARK: Of course. It was all pandemic, waiting to see we come overseas for Asia Swing. I wish I could fly to Asia. Finally I made it. I'm really happy just to play this week.

THE MODERATOR: When is the last time you were back in South Korea?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think almost a year and a half, two, three years now.

THE MODERATOR: This is the closest you've been to home.


THE MODERATOR: I know you can't enjoy Singapore but is it nice being back in comfortable surroundings?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think so. Yeah, for sure.

Q. What was yardage and club selection on eagle?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I hit driver and it was 155 but it was downwind, so I hit 8-iron, nice, solid shot and almost crossover to the pin.

Q. What do you like most about returning to Singapore?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I love the city and food, of course. I love my chili crab, looking for, always. Always good memories here. Really cool, Marina Bay, the city. I wish I could just walk by, but even drive through it makes me so happy.

Q. What are you going to focus on heading into the final round tomorrow? Right now you are one of the top with the clubhouse lead.

HEE YOUNG PARK: Still lot of golf left out there and I think I have to survive with this heat rest of the weekend, too. So try to drink water, exercise then try to sleep well and then same thing. Try to just don't even think about score. Just try and make a shot, every single shot, try to focus on it, I think that's my goal.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107054-1-1003 2021-04-29 06:01:00 GMT

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