HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you feel about your round?

LYDIA KO: Overall I played pretty solid. Playing with Inbee feels like I played really bad, but no, I played solid. Got a pretty good start. Hopefully I'm going to continue the momentum and keep building from today's round.

Q. What is it like being here?

LYDIA KO: Nice to be back, especially since we couldn't play here last year. Very different with all the protocols and everything and the testing, but I think we're very grateful for any opportunity to play an event, and this is the first event we're playing in Asia since COVID really hit. I always love coming to Singapore. My cousin lives here. Kind of gutted that I can't see her, but always good to be back and HSBC has been a huge supporter for the LPGA and just for women's golf in general. Yeah, I think we are very lucky and excited to be here to play in Singapore.

Q. How are you doing in the heat?

LYDIA KO: It's very hot. Very hot. It reminds me of like Orlando summer, as well.

But when the breeze goes through, I think it's a little better. I think the biggest difference between the Serapong and Tanjong Courses, the Serapong is a bit more on the water so it's a bit more wind but here it's a bit more inland and we don't get it as much. Today it was very hot but I found Tuesday the hottest because there with as just nothing going through. Check he can I think when threes a little bit of breeze it gives us like a little bit of breathing room. I think just a lot of time under the umbrella and water and making sure I'm staying hydrated, especially because I'm playing next week as well. Just trying to keep my practices and everything to a minimum. I think it's more important to rest than to just be out here for a really long time.

Q. Anything after last week that changed?

LYDIA KO: I didn't touch a club last week until I came here on Tuesday. I played solid on the second day. The first day was a bit of a blah in every aspect. But yeah, I felt like I was still playing good golf and the second day kind of proved that, as well. So I really didn't stress too much about it and I just spent some good time away from the golf course, spending time with my friends. Yeah, just enjoy it and I was excited to be back here. So it's good to have a good round today because it just kind of washes last week's away.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107056-1-1003 2021-04-29 07:37:00 GMT

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