HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 30 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Ally Ewing

Press Conference

Q. 6-under 66, what do you think was going to well all day today?

ALLY EWING: I was really draggy today. Did I not get good sleep last night. So I was kind of just kind of low expectations and trying to make sure that I was staying hydrated with little sleep, and so like I said, just the low expectation, I think I was just really trying to reserve as much energy as I could. So I just got out, I hit the ball pretty well. Gave myself a lot of good birdie looks, and capitalized when I had them.

Q. Do you think was it from the jet-lag, are you still trying to adjust?

ALLY EWING: Part of it, I've slept fine. I've been waking up early. Just didn't settle well with the food. Just kind of irritated my sleep. But yeah, certainly, it's so hot out this week that there are so many different factors to consider. It's not just good golf. It's staying hydrated. It's making sure your caddie is hydrated because we're a team and we worked really well together to get a good score in.

Q. I was going to say, when did you really feel as if you picked up the momentum today?

ALLY EWING: Well, I birdied the first two holes, and I think any time you can get off to a really good start, I think it sets a really good pace for the day and I was able to make a couple more birdies. I think I made birdie on 14 and then on 18. So I turned at 4-under, and you know, kind of got a little difficult on a couple holes but I made a couple really good par putts. So I'm satisfied. I rolled the ball really well today and that probably has something to do with the preservation of energy, like I said. So not getting too worked up over a lot of putts. I think it's something I could use for long-term stuff to try to get your heart rate to stay really good.

Q. What's it been like for you the last two days in Singapore competing? This is the first time we've been in Asia since 2019?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, this is my first time to Singapore. I'm kind of disappointed it's under these circumstances. The city is beautiful. Really cool architecture. Even the plants and everything around are so pretty. Singapore has been great. Can't complain. We're thankful that we're having a tournament in the middle of COVID, and I know the Singapore and IMG and the tournament staff has done a great job to get us here.

Yeah, hopefully I can go play some good golf the next two days.

Q. Today felt like a moving day, even though it wasn't, because of this no-cut style. Did you feel that as well?

ALLY EWING: After yesterday, I felt like I had a couple of bad swings yesterday and I made a great birdie on the last hole to feel like just getting in at even par versus 1-over mentally for some reason, it just made me feel a lot better about starting today. So yeah, I mean, and I think in Asia, without the cut, you just feel like every day is just a day to capitalize on, and not playing my best yesterday, I felt like a good round was out there if I took care of myself and did what I needed to do. There are some really tough holes out here and today there were some really tough pins, and it was just kind of knowing which pins to go for and which ones not to. We stayed very disciplined and executed some really good shots.

Q. The pin was also difficult on 13, I heard as well, re-setting for those types of pins is just another layer of the strategy I feel like here.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, there are several par 3s -- the par 3s overall I think play pretty long this week, and they moved the tee up on hole 4 today to that front right. Made it a pretty good, accessible hole location with a shorter club, but yeah, there's some water on some holes that come into play and it's just kind of really sticking to a good target, and obviously still have to make a good swing from there. But very disciplined golf out here. I think it can really pay off.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107085-1-1003 2021-04-30 05:09:00 GMT

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