HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 30 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hannah Green

Press Conference

Q. You're one of a lot of people going low today. Just how are you feeling after the second round, and what do you think changed between yesterday and today?

HANNAH GREEN: I think I managed to hit more fairways. I hit a lot of greens today which is nice, but I gave myself a lot more opportunities and was able to capitalize on them. Rolled the putter really well today. Left a couple short in the heart but I think a lot of girls have been doing that. It's a little bit slower than last week's greens. It's harder to get used to but just capitalizing on the shots that I hit close is different from yesterday.

Q. Through 12, you were bogey-free and rolling off putts on your front nine, which was the back nine. What made it so comfortable?

HANNAH GREEN: It was really nice being first group out. Things were just flowing really well and was putting better strokes on putts and just trying to ride that wave, I guess. Missed a few greens on the back nine and short-sided myself a couple times, so made a good bogey on the par 5, which is unfortunate. But still very happy with today's round.

Q. You said in L.A. that I feel like your game has been getting better and better and better ever since the ANA Inspiration. Do you feel that as well?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, definitely. I feel like ANA and Kia was just a bit rusty, you know, first tournament back after a few months. But yeah, this is my first time in Thailand and Singapore, so I'm super excited to be here. I think that's really helping me try to beat this heat which I'm not very good with.

Q. What made you excited to come to Singapore?

HANNAH GREEN: It's a limited field and we're very fortunate to be playing for great money and the sponsors love having us here, and just grateful to be coming here. These are the only two countries I really haven't been to in Asia to play golf, which is unusual since I'm so close. Perth is a 5-hour flight in the same time zone. First time in 2021 seems a bit different. Feel very welcomed here in Singapore.

Q. What did you strive to improve upon since the first two events to get to where you are right now?

HANNAH GREEN: I think just making sure that when I am hitting shots, I am putting myself in better positions to make up-and-down. Now that I've added some length to my game, I've got to make sure that I use it to my advantage and try to hit as many greens as possible.

So that's going on the last few events, which is nice, and hopefully I can continue that for the rest of the season.

Q. Tomorrow you are definitely going to have a different tee time than today. What are you looking for to improve upon or work on as you head into the third day?

HANNAH GREEN: I just want to make sure that I'm trying to just play boring golf I guess, fairways and greens, as much as possible and I putted really well today. So that's going to be hard to maintain for the next two days. So that's probably the thing that I want to work on this afternoon after I've had some lunch.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107086-1-1003 2021-04-30 05:14:00 GMT

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