HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 30 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Carlota Ciganda

Press Conference

Q. Take me through this second eventful day in Singapore?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I really enjoy playing here. I love playing in Asia. It's great. I know this year is a little different but I always enjoy coming here. It's always quite hot but I like the course. You play four days.

Yeah, I've been playing solid. Hitting lots of good shots, lots of greens, make a few putts, not many mistakes, so two good rounds going into the weekend.

Q. Making the turn, you had a couple consecutive birdies there. What was feeling right for you?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I hit the driver great, so I had a wedge on 10 and a 9-iron on 11, so I think that's an advantage, hitting shorter clubs to the green. Made two good putts, five feet and eight feet on 11 and then hit a bad shot on 12, driver on the left. Had to take a drop but I was pretty happy with the five and it was the same on 13 and 14. I had two good chances. I missed them both but great shot on 15, almost made a hole-in-one, so always nice for a tap-in birdie.

Then, yeah, three last holes, good shots, good opportunities, and, yeah, good pars.

Q. I know good shots are aplenty here, but how crucial is the second shot on a course like this?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, it's always hard to get it up-and-down on these greens because I think they are tough. But yeah, I'm just thinking to hit my spots, play my strategy. We are doing a great job and I'm excited for the weekend.

Q. Asia is always an adjustment with the time and heat and conditions, but what's it been like the last couple of days getting ready for a tournament like this?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, it's always hot but to be honest not playing this last year, I missed it and I feel rested. I feel good. It's the beginning of the year, so I feel I have plenty of energy to keep going. I miss playing here, so I like it.

Q. When we weren't able to come back last year, is that something you were looking forward to this year is coming back to Singapore?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I love it here, great hotel, the course, I mean, there's no cut, you just go out and play four days. Play in the morning, afternoon free and weekend not too much, but still, I think it's a great place to come.

Q. What are you going to be focusing on heading into the weekend here?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I think the same. I think I had two great days and I think I have to keep doing the same, good strategy off the tee, good shots into the green, and yeah, there will be some pins that you can go to and some pins that you have to play a bit more conservative and try to do your best and see what happens on Sunday.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107088-1-1003 2021-04-30 05:59:00 GMT

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