HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

In Gee Chun

Quick Quotes

Q. Take me through your Saturday in Singapore.

IN GEE CHUN: It was a good day I had. Even though I had two bogeys, but I couldn't make a good up-and-down around the green but I made a lot of birdies. I'm just looking for a good, positive way for tomorrow.

Q. With a regular event, this would be like moving day and it is basically your type of moving day as you went up the leaderboard. Was that a goal for you today?

IN GEE CHUN: As much I can, just make a lot of birdie. I enjoyed my group, playing with Gaby and Brittany. We had a good day. I always want to try to play well. Sometimes I have a bogey-free round but I made two bogeys but just one of those days.

Q. What are some of the positives from today you think that you took away from your game?

IN GEE CHUN: So tomorrow I'm going to try to play bogey-free round.

Q. What's it been like adjusting to Singapore? You're back here and you're doing much better than you have in the past here. What's different about maybe this year?

IN GEE CHUN: Unfortunately we couldn't play last year because of COVID but this year I'm really happy to be back here, and I really appreciate all the sponsor and HSBC putting on this event. I just want to play well. Even this was great when I made a birdie on the 18th the spectators and sponsors there, they clapped to me, that was great. I want to have this crowd tomorrow on the 18th.

Q. You played with Gaby you and both shot really well. What's it like when someone else in your group is also doing really well. Do you get motivation from that?

IN GEE CHUN: I think I can't control any other players, how they play, or like weather. I always think golf game is course versus me. But for sure when I play with a good friend, it's really happy and makes it better sometimes. I always focus on the golf course and me. I don't know if it helps or not.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107119-1-1003 2021-05-01 05:35:00 GMT

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