HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. A solid way to get through day three here. Take us through your round?

LYDIA KO: I played really solid on my front nine and on the back I made some really clumsy mistakes. Overall I putted really well and holed some really good birdie putts and holed some good par and bogey putts, as well. Nice to finish off with a two on the last.

Q. We were talking and you were battling the heat on the last couple holes?

LYDIA KO: I thought I was fine and then I had my ice bag and umbrella with me and then those last few holes, I think when the wind kind of died down, the heat really got to me. So I was like, I need to get into the clubhouse as quickly as possible.

Q. Nothing like getting in quick with an eagle there on 18. Take us through that last hole.

LYDIA KO: I hit a really good drive and then obviously with the pin being tucked on the right, nice to have a short club in and hit a good committed 50-degree and I hit it perfect. So nice to make an eagle and to do that on the last makes my life easier to finish this round. Lunch is going to taste great more so after that one.

Q. An eagle on the final hole, what does that do for your confidence heading into the final day in Singapore?

LYDIA KO: Obviously good momentum. Overall I feel like I've been playing really solid. Hopefully feed off that and have another fun day tomorrow.

Q. You are also able to watch Hannah's round beside you and she had an eagle on 10. What was it like trading birdies and eagles back and forth?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, she played great. Amy also played fantastic, as well. I had a very wayward shot on 10 so I couldn't actually see the ball go in. But I saw the reaction and I saw her shot, but just not to actually key it go in, I was disappointed that I couldn't.

But yeah, she played great. She's been playing great so good to play with great friends and great playing alongside two players who are playing good golf, as well.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107121-1-1003 2021-05-01 06:32:00 GMT

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