HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. Another solid day out here in Singapore, just seems to be getting better and better for you. Take me through day three?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I probably didn't hit the ball as well as yesterday but I played I guess pretty well and made sure I missed it in the right places. Had a couple bogeys out there today which were not really that soft. They were probably good bogeys, so hopefully tomorrow I can continue to keep making birdies like I have been. But yeah, managed this heat.

Q. Birdies and maybe another eagle. Take me through 10?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I guess it's been quite a long time since I've holed out from the fairway from quite some distance. I hit my tee shot into the right rough. Had an 8-iron in and it hit the pin. Bounced, hit the pin and went in. That was a nice bonus. I do think if it didn't hit the pin, it was going to race a little by it, probably still on the green. Yeah, that was a lot of fun and gave me some good momentum to make a couple par saves on the next two holes.

Q. What was the mindset going into today? With no cut every day is like a new moving day?

HANNAH GREEN: It is a different feeling when you just get to play the weekend in general, but I tried to stay aggressive out there. Obviously Inbee is a great player and won so many tournaments, so it's going to be hard to keep chasing her but I'm excited for tomorrow.

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107122-1-1003 2021-05-01 06:32:00 GMT

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