HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

So Yeon Ryu

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you feel you played?

SO YEON RYU: I'm always happy to finish Top-10, most likely I'm going to finish in the Top-10. It was really hot. I survived and I'm proud of myself. The thing I'm happy about is my swing. I really struggled into yesterday, and today I finally feel like I was able to swing better.

This was really, really good preparation for the rest of the season. I wish I was able to putt better, so that's a little bit disappointment. Like if I was able to putt better, maybe I was able to be in contention and maybe it would be a more fun week. But happy with it and thank you very much for everything who helped us out to be in Singapore.

Q. How do you feel going into next week?

SO YEON RYU: Well, I feel like I had pre-training about playing with the heat in Singapore for Thailand. So I'm going to feel pretty confident to play with the heat. Hopefully I can putt better and swing better and look forward to having another good week.

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