HSBC Women's World Championship

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Koh Sock Hwee

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Koh Sock Hwee ahead of the 2022 HSBC Women's World Championship. Welcome. Congratulations on winning the qualifier.

KOH SOCK HWEE: Thank you.

Q. Two-shots win over two days. Just tell us about the significance of that win for you.

KOH SOCK HWEE: Well, for me, it's really nice to be here again. Like I think the last I played in the HSBC Women's World Championship was 2016. So it's been quite a while.

And, I mean, everybody was preparing really hard for the qualifiers. I mean, there's always a new one for every year, everybody wants that spot. So you kind of know you have to play well for two days just to get it.

And, I mean, we've been quite -- I mean, we haven't really had events in the last two years. So you never know how your game stands against everybody. So I was just doing my own thing, preparing for it. And, of course, I mean, being supported by Sentosa, they're very helpful, just allowing me to practice on the course and just being more familiar, giving myself, giving Amanda flights, just really supportive, leading up to the qualifiers.

So eventually getting that spot, I feel like it's like -- it's nice because it's like whatever you work hard for kind of pays off, but that's only the start of the actual event.

So I'm really excited to be competing again.

Q. Right. And you mentioned you last played in 2016. Six years ago. You've obviously come a long way since then, matured a lot. How do you feel that that sort of time gap benefits you?

KOH SOCK HWEE: I mean, yes, so like from 2016, I just turned professional, that was the year. So my first event as a professional. So six years later, in China, did it in Taiwan, and just, you know, realizing that actually professional golf is not much different from amateur golf.

But you've got to be at your tiptop conditions every week. I mean, so if you're not feeling well, how to handle yourself from that. Because it's like every shot matters, right?

So I think in the last few years of competing as a professional and playing in this event for the fourth time this year, I think just, I mean, maturity, and to be honest, I'm not as nervous as I am maybe the last two editions. I really can't wait to tee off tomorrow. Just preparations have been going well. Just really looking forward to.

Q. What have you been doing to prepare for the last two weeks since the qualifier?

KOH SOCK HWEE: So I've been -- I mean, I've obviously practiced a lot more because previously there were no goals, not real ones in sight. So, I mean, I worked a lot on my putting the last two years. And even this week and leading up to, I've just been putting, just trying to get used to the green speed. Because I mean, the greens are nice, and it's unforgiving, right, it somehow has smaller putts than the pins, just trying to feel confident standing over the putt.

Working a little bit on the mental side of things as well. Just want to enjoy every moment. I mean, it's going to be stressful, I'm sure. It's been like a lot of expectations just from individually and from outside.

But I just want to, you know, hit every shot, be happy about it, and if it's not good, just move on and find a ball and hit again.

Q. And just a quick word about your professional career, Tour golf, which tours are you currently playing on?

KOH SOCK HWEE: I status in China and Taiwan.

Q. Yeah.

KOH SOCK HWEE: So after this, me and Amanda, we're heading to the States in end of March to play in like the mini Tour there and maybe eventually play Q-School and all this. So we're away for about five, six months, so because everything in Asia is pretty much still in a standstill.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117263-1-1222 2022-03-02 06:58:00 GMT

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