HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

A Lim Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. So you didn't play in the first three events of the LPGA year. Is this your first event of LPGA tournaments?

A LIM KIM: No, second. This is the second.

Q. Did you play in Florida in January?

A LIM KIM: Yes, in January.

Q. What a great round today. Can you talk a little bit about your round? How did you start off so strong?

A LIM KIM: So course is in clear condition and faster green and clear, and that's good. But a little bit I have a lot of mistake today, but tomorrow I'll get through everything, I think.

Q. So to have a lot of mistakes and still finish at 4-under is very, very good.

A LIM KIM: Yeah, good.

Q. What did you do well?

A LIM KIM: Today is great tee shot and great second and -- yeah, that's it.

Q. So you were really struggling from tee, but maybe your putting was good?

A LIM KIM: Yeah, it's good. I think good. A little bit -- I want more the birdie, but today I have a lot of birdie mistake. But tomorrow I hope.

Q. And what do you like about the course?

A LIM KIM: I love it because very wide and clear and faster green and firm green. I love it.

Q. And do you love Singapore as well?

A LIM KIM: Yeah, great city.

Q. What do you like?

A LIM KIM: Because every people so kind and very clear and very good. And good food.

Q. What did you eat last night?

A LIM KIM: Last night ate the buffet. So good.

Q. In the hotel?

A LIM KIM: Yeah, in hotel. Food very nice.

Q. And have you been on Orchard Road?

A LIM KIM: Not yet, but today.

Q. Maybe treat yourself because you're lying second.

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

Q. Thank you very much.

A LIM KIM: Thank you.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117299-1-1222 2022-03-03 05:55:00 GMT

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