HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. So really solid round today. You finished 2-under. Can you just talk to me about how your round was?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I mean, I didn't feel like I had much momentum today, didn't drive the ball quite as well as I would have liked, few putts kind of left out there.

But overall happy with 2-under for the way I played.

Q. And so this is your tournament debut. How have you found it so far, and how have you found the course?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, the course is really nice. It's in really good shape. Yeah, I mean, the greens are rolling well, you just have to hit it a little bit better than I did today.

It's obviously very hot, so I'm trying to stay as cool as possible.

Q. Yeah, and how'd you cope with today's sort of conditions?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I mean, it's obviously never this hot in Ireland. So before I came over here, did some sort of sauna work and stuff like that to prepare for it.

But, yeah, I mean, just trying to stay in the shade as much as possible, drink plenty of water, electrolytes, all of that. So just managing energy levels will be key this week.

Q. And is this your first time in Singapore?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, first time.

Q. Have you been out to any touristy things?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Not yet. I think we're going to maybe leave that to the weekend. We've been out to dinner and stuff. I mean, it seems like a really cool place and lots of different food.

Yeah, I think we're going to go down, maybe see some of the gardens and the lights and stuff.

Q. And what's your impression of Sentosa and the tournament itself?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, it seems to be really well run. Obviously the best players in the world here, which is always great getting to play events with all the girls in the season.

And, yeah, I mean, there's still a lot of golf to be played. So I feel like I haven't played my best golf yet, so it's nice to shoot under par even though I wasn't quite at my best.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117307-1-1222 2022-03-03 08:01:00 GMT

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