HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 4 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Angel Yin

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, so really well played today. Can you talk me through your round? You had I think four birdies on the front nine?

ANGEL YIN: I didn't check, but I do know that if I didn't make a 5 on one of the holes in the back nine, I would have made all pars.

Q. Wow. That's amazing.

ANGEL YIN: Well, it's not good. Both 3s I made 4s. But, yeah, I mean, I think I played pretty good today. I was pretty happy. After my hole-out of my bunker kind of tripped a little bit, hit a few speed bumps. But it is what it is. Made three bogeys, one more than yesterday.

But happy with my game right now. A few mistakes still in my approach shots into the green. But got two more days, so that's the good news.

Q. And when you're on the course, do you kind of just take it hole by hole? Do you think much through it, or do you just want to live in the moment, take it as it is?

ANGEL YIN: Living in the moment, living in the present. I try to not -- I like to look at the leaderboard, but I kind of just try to hit shot by shot. Because, kind of to piggyback off what I said yesterday, my game has been quite iffy. So it's been very important for me to just take every hole and every shot that's right in front of me.

Q. And at the very start of the season, how -- like what's your goal for the rest of the season? Is there anything you want to take into it?

ANGEL YIN: Well, just to get back to my normal self, being more confident on the golf course. There's a lot less nerves on the golf course today. I was a bit antsy, but it wasn't like yesterday where I was nervous.

Today it was just more like, oh, I just want to go out and shoot a low score because I know I can. But I kind of have to stop and take everything shot by shot. So a little bit more patient.

Q. And those nerves, is it just the first day? Is it just arriving here?

ANGEL YIN: That's what I told my caddie, it's just like I haven't been playing good. I actually told my friend, too, this, I just haven't been playing good. And it's just being on the golf course -- well, I started out end of last year at CME having like huge anxiety being on the golf course and with an injury. Started out this year still having a little bit of that, no injury.

But working towards it better and being happier on the golf course. So I think that was huge for me. And I know that if I have that and have a positive mindset on the golf course, there's nothing that can stop me. I just need to get my game together, and I'll be there.

Q. And is there anything that you do like before your round to get into the mindset? Is there anything that's helped you get rid of that anxiety?

ANGEL YIN: No. Just go out and play. Just be happy and go in there. It is what it is. Just got to take it in.

Q. How are you going to prepare for the weekend? Do you feel more confident --

ANGEL YIN: Eat more food. I'm just kidding. I've been eating a lot of food. It's been great. I like Singapore a lot. I mean, Singapore is pretty much the only country I really like to go out all the time. I just don't know where to go.

Q. Do you think maybe because you can go out in the evenings, that's also adding to sort of your mindset and being able to relax slightly more?

ANGEL YIN: No, not really. Because last year I wasn't able to go out, but I was able to eat a lot of food. That has not stopped. My stomach muscles have been very powerful this week.

Q. That's good. That's great. Thank you.

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117372-1-1222 2022-03-04 08:00:00 GMT

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