HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Jeongeun Lee6

Quick Quotes

Q. What a fantastic round. So I think you opened, birdied 6 out of the first 7 holes; is that right? Can you talk a little bit how you got off to such a good start?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, I'm very satisfied with my results. So my swing is getting better these days. So I played comfortably. And I made six birdies in the front nine. So I can play easily the back nine. And then I made a bogey maybe 11. And then I made 13, eagle.

Q. Very good. Can you talk a little bit about your eagle? What did you do?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, it's short hole, so we can reach on the green second shot. So I hit it oversimply, and then I hit the chip shot. So that was good moment. And then I finished strong.

Q. And you finished with a birdie, which must be fantastic after the round that you you've had today?

JEONGEUN LEE6: The pin position was tricky, but I hit it safely, second shot, and then I made birdie.

Q. Fantastic round today.

JEONGEUN LEE6: Thank you.

Q. What have you done to change things, or what's clicked? What's the secret?

JEONGEUN LEE6: A secret?

Q. Is it your putting or --

JEONGEUN LEE6: Today round?

Q. Yeah, today's great round.

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, my putting was good. Really good. So I focus on just speed and then -- yeah. That's it.

Q. Fantastic. Hasn't been as much low scoring today, so you must have putted exceptionally well.


Q. And is there anything you did from yesterday to today to get it going? Did you practice?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Just I'm fixing my backswing. So my rotation position. So I focused on -- I'm focused on just fixing rotation. And then when I'm nervous, my rhythm was a little bit -- so I focus on just backswing rotation and then rhythm.

Q. So a little bit nervous the first two days, and less nervous. Is there anything you thought to stop yourself being nervous?

JEONGEUN LEE6: I didn't nervous from here, but tomorrow it's going to nervous a little bit. So I'm focused just on my game and one shot at a time.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117417-1-1222 2022-03-05 05:49:00 GMT

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