HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Jin Young Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. Another strong round today. Can you talk a little bit about your round.

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, mmm, it was tough round because I had a lot of opportunities for birdies in the front nine, but I missed a lot of putt and then missed some chips.

And then some things -- I finished even on the front nine, and I really tried to make three birdies more on the back nine, but it wasn't really helped. And I had a little pressure for the record, but I made it --

Q. Again, again.

JIN YOUNG KO: So I'm so happy. So I can't wait to play for tomorrow.

Q. Yeah. So you're being tough on yourself, but only one bogey and four birdies?


Q. It was a tough day for everyone, I think, out there today. Were you finding the pins hard or the weather?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, weather is always hot. And mostly today is more hottest day of this week. So -- but that's fine. Like every player, every condition, to every player. So we have to fight with this weather.

And, yeah, pretty good. Like still like I wanted to more get some more birdies today, but I have chance for tomorrow. So hope I keep it up.

Q. And when you arrived, you said feel maybe a little bit rusty because you had so much time off. Do you think the rust is --

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes, I think so, because it's -- it was first time to walk, to play 18 holes, since over three months. So my foot was little pain, and I need more like time to pain and to walk around 18 holes and for four full rounds.

Q. And feet are feeling okay now?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes, it's fine.

Q. And it's also sort of concentrating in competition for 18 holes, having not done it.

JIN YOUNG KO: That's fine.

Q. Yeah, you love it.


Q. You love your records.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes, of course.

Q. Perfect. And what do you think you need to do tomorrow to seal the deal?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, I just want to get -- I just try to get more birdies rather than today. Hopefully seven or eight birdies will be good, really good, I think.

Q. Aiming for seven or eight birdies?


Q. And what would it mean to win the first, your opening event of the season, as you sat at home thinking I'm off to play in that tournament?

JIN YOUNG KO: It's nothing different, 2019, I played in Australia. That was my first event in this Tour, especially rookie year. But I made wins, though. It feels like comfortable and nothing special.

Q. So you like coming out into the opening event sharp.


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