HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Xiyu Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. What a fantastic round today. What clicked for you today?

XIYU LIN: Well, I mean, like last two rounds it didn't go as well as what I expected, and just lots of up-and-downs. Like I made lots of birdies, but I make lots of bogeys that a little unlike me. So I was not very satisfied with the last two rounds.

And then today, I mean, the weather is so much better, it's so much cooler. And I just think it's calm, and I'm like, oh, it Sunday here, let's go for a low one. And I even have a little bet with my coach. So it's nice to birdie the last whole because then I got a dinner.

So, yeah, I think everything goes really well today. Hit lots of good shot and then make like some good putts. I think just smooth. Like I always enjoy to have a bogey-free round.

Q. And then you're feeling good about next week as well?

XIYU LIN: Yes. I think today my game -- I kind of lost my swing a little bit, and it slowly gets back, and it's like getting more confidence. I'm more comfortable playing.

So I think next week it's also going to be a bit of a challenge with the weather and the course as well, but I'm really looking forward to it.

Q. What was the bet with your coach? What did you have to do?

XIYU LIN: Just 6-under. Straight on. Yeah. So I was a little sad when I walk off 17 -- I mean, it's not an easy hole, but I left the birdie putt short, and I'm like, oh, 18, I need to do something.

And then it was the same pin as the third round last year, which I made birdies. I'm like, okay, I'm going to for it.

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117460-1-1222 2022-03-06 05:42:00 GMT

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