HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. What a great round today. Bogey-free. Can you talk a little bit about that.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was a great front nine, I really had it rolling. It was nice to get that eagle on 8. That was really fun.

And it was fun. I had great playing partners, and we were all playing pretty well. So that always makes it for a fun Sunday afternoon. And just to make a lot of birdies, no bogeys, is really good momentum going into next week.

Q. And did you do anything different from yesterday? Because I know you were frustrated with the round yesterday. You looked calm. Did you work on anything on the range?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I was definitely very disappointed with how yesterday went. I feel like if it had been a little bit better, today could have been a little different.

But I feel like just tried to take away the things that I learned from yesterday. I worked on the putting green right after, and feel like I worked a few things out with Britt. So that was good.

And, yeah, I mean, I've been hitting it really well the last -- since the season started. As long as I can make a few more putts, I think maybe a win is just around the corner.

Q. You've finished high, been on the leaderboard for the last -- for every tournament this year. So you must be feeling good about going into next week.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, yeah, it's been a great 2022 so far. I am definitely looking for that win, but I think if I just keep doing the right things, eventually it will come again.

Q. And being patient.


Q. Thanks very much.

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