HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. Really well played today, and you had an eagle on 16. Can you talk me through your round.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, got off to a good start, made a couple good birdies on the front nine. I made a par on 8, which kind of felt like a bogey because they moved the tee up. And then made a silly bogey on 9.

And then gave myself a bunch of opportunities during the middle of the round but couldn't really capitalize it. But hit really good shots.

So then the putt on 16, I said to my caddie, I'm just going to make it. I haven't made anything all day. And went in a little thin, but at least it hit the pin. But definitely gave me some momentum to play the last two holes.

Q. That positive mindset really kicked in.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, definitely.

Q. And talk about the conditions. It was slightly better today, and maybe less hot. Do you think that affected your game at all, or do you --

HANNAH GREEN: Yes, I feel like just getting used to the conditions again, being in humidity, it kind of shocks your body a little bit.

But I would have loved to have had a different first round, see what happened. But I'm just happy that I was able to kind of bounce back from that and give myself opportunities and try and be in contention.

Q. And how have you found the course over the week, and how have you compared it on different days?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it's been great every day. I want to say it's in better condition than we played last year, and it was still really good last year.

So it was nice to not have as hot a climate this time of year, so hopefully we can keep coming here in March.

But I love the golf course, and I'm really excited to hopefully next year, when we're not so much in a bubble, to have full spectators back.

Q. And lastly, you've had a really incredible start to the year, and obviously playing well this week. How are you going to take that into the rest of the season, and do you have any like short-term or long-term goals?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I'd love to be top 10 in the world, and I don't see why I can't win out here. I feel like I didn't play my best golf, and I ended up almost in the top 10, or in the top 10, I guess.

So, yeah, hopefully this is just the start of a really good 2022 season.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117462-1-1222 2022-03-06 06:13:00 GMT

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