HSBC Women's World Championship

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Talking about being here in Singapore for the 15th playing of this event.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, Brit and I, it's one of our favorite stops on tour. We look forward to being here. Hopefully the weather is better the next few days but excited to be out on the golf course earlier this morning and see the course. It's in great shape and hopefully have another steady week.

THE MODERATOR: You played well here in the past. What is it about this golf course that you like so much.

BROOKE HENDERSON: It can be a very tricky golf course but if your ball-striking is on, you can go low and make some birdies. I've had some rounds like minus seven and made a climb up on the leaderboard in the weekend which is always very exciting.

I think just chasing after birdies and trying to play smart where you need to is a big thing. But to have the fans back out this year is really great and I look forward to having the momentum back.

THE MODERATOR: Last week a few having things happened, your golf clubs went missing. Just talk about that.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it wasn't the start or the week I wanted last week, in Thailand with my clubs not being there. TaylorMade did do a great job in getting me a set that was similar to mine that I was able to use for the practice rounds and then the first two rounds of the tournament last week. But I was so grateful that my clothes were returned to me on Friday afternoon and put them in play over the weekend and just be able to work with them and practice if the days leading up before this week is nice. It's kind of like a long, lost friend.

THE MODERATOR: You had a bit of time off, too. What were you thinking last week under the circumstances, and you still played some really good golf the first couple of days. What did you get done during the break that led to you playing so well.

BROOKE HENDERSON: I just tried to grind it out. Things weren't going approximately and I wasn't hitting it perfect and a lot of factors weren't going exactly the way I wanted to tried to be gritty and grind is out as much as I could and climb up the leaderboard and stay in it. I think it just helped build some character.

And coming into this week where I do have my golf clubs and on a golf course that I played really well before, a lot of good things this week. The hotel we're in this year is fantastic, incredible views of the city and just trying to soak it in a little bit more. Hopefully lots of positives and good vibes the rest of the week.

THE MODERATOR: I know it's been wetter than you'd like this year. What adjustments do you make in these conditions?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, definitely it's a lot softer. If you're going to be playing aggressively, you can chase after a lot mover pins because it won't release as much which I think is good. It will probably result in a lot more birdies being made and possibly some lower scores. But also, I think it could be a very long week if there's lots of delays, so just trying to stay patient.

THE MODERATOR: A golf course like this that rewards longer hitters, do you feel like you can attack the golf course more and fire at pins?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Any time that you are in attack mode and I feel like you can be aggressive, you're usually playing pretty well and making lots of birdies. I love that feeling. I feel like this golf course this year, I think I will have that kind of mentality and go out and try to make a bunch of birdies and hopefully be the in final group on the weekend.

THE MODERATOR: Being in Singapore, 15th time being back here and playing in event in Singapore, what does that mean?

BROOKE HENDERSON: This is Asia's major so to be invited to come play here is a really big de. I work hard all year so I can that get invited back. So I just always really enjoy the opportunity to be here. There's been so many incredible past champions. Some year I hope to add my name to that list.

THE MODERATOR: Now that you're here, what are some of your goals for the 2023 season? You had a really good last year and finally got that second major at Evian. What are you looking for yourself.

BROOKE HENDERSON: It was a dream start, winning the first event of the year, a month and a half, two months ago. For me trying to make small improvements all the time and trying to get a little bit better. Trying to see if I can just continue to put myself in good positions on the weekend in contention and hopefully battle for a few more trophies.

Q. What were you doing during the launch moment and how much fun do you have doing those kind of things on this side of the world with different players?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, the photo calls and things are always a lot of fun. We can really bond as players and as friends, so it's always fun to be invited to these events and invited to do fun things while here in Singapore. And so yeah, I had a lot of fun this morning and I just hope that carries on the rest of the week.

Q. The costumes and umbrellas involved with the weather?

BROOKE HENDERSON: We had some flowers and we had to putt it on the other person's head and I did a terrible job on Jin Young's but Minjee did a great job on mine. Lots of fun.

THE MODERATOR: Announced the grant Thornton mixed event with the PGA TOUR, first time that's happened since 1999. What was your reaction hearing that news? Details are being worked out, but how excited were you to hear that news? That's something that's been a goal of this organization for a really long time.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think it's super exciting to mix the PGA TOUR and LPGA Tour. Hopefully I'm invited to that event at the end of the year. The only event I've played with the PGA TOUR and Champions Tour was the CVS Charity Classic in Rhode Island, and I was able, with my teammates to win that three years in a row. So I do really enjoy playing with the men. I think it will bring a lot of fans and a lot of great media attention to our tour, too.

THE MODERATOR: Who would you want to play with?

BROOKE HENDERSON: That's a tough question. I feel like anyone would be good. I think it's just opportunity to kind of see how they attack different courses and just kind of learn from their game. I think that will be really interesting.

THE MODERATOR: What are some of your goals for the week and what goals do you have in this three-week stretch?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Just trying to put myself in contention. Hopefully get off to a fast start on Thursday. Just trying to get a little better all the time so in the off weeks trying to improve a bit and trying to get ready for a long list of tournaments in the US.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129351-1-1003 2023-02-28 06:59:00 GMT

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