HSBC Women's World Championship

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hyo Joo Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you feel about coming into this week as a champion in 2021.

HYO JOO KIM: First of all, it is a place where I have good memories, and I feel good because it is one of my favorite golf courses. I am excited to see this golf course in good condition. 

Q. The weather this week will be quite different to last week. How do you prepare for that?

HYO JOO KIM: When it rains, thunder and lightning always come together, so I think I will go in and out of the clubhouse often. All players already know the situation, and the key is to control your body's condition well so that your muscles do not get stiff. In my case, when I rest inside, I stretch before I go out. Also, I try to move my body as much as possible.

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129371-1-2025 2023-03-01 07:10:00 GMT

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