HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Jeongeun Lee6

Quick Quotes

Q. So you got off to a great start today. Can you talk a little bit about your round.

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah. Yeah, it was good game. So I'm fixing my swing these days. But I focus on just when I backswing, the shoulder, left shoulder, just down. So keep the angle. And I focus that one.

That's why my shot was good today. And I made six birdies today, but I made two bogey.

Q. At the 10.

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yes. But I have three more days. I'm going to focus to same thing. And then just putting speed.

Q. So did you find -- is that something you've worked on since last week? You finished 6. So after last week, you've worked on this new --

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yes. I didn't play well last week. So I spent a lot of time with my coaches. And then just one thing, the shoulder. And then I played well today.

Q. And there was obviously a lot of rain in the last few days. How was the course playing for you?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, fortunately, it was not rain, but it was a lot of rain yesterday. So a little bit wet and a little bit soft. Yeah. So we can play easily on the greens. So when I second shot, we can stop the ball quickly. That's why.

But pin position was tricky, yeah, today. So yeah.

Q. Obviously a very good 68 for you today. What areas of your game were you really proud of today?

JEONGEUN LEE6: One more time?

Q. What areas of the game were you pleased with? Are you very pleased the with the new tip?


Q. Like your putting, your driving?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Today's? Just iron shot. Yeah, iron shot was good. Yeah.

Q. So I believe it's been quite some time since your last win. You won the U.S. Open in 2019. But how difficult do you think it is to win a tournament like this?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, I won 2019, but I played Tour without a coach nearly for three years. So that's why my swing changed a lot. So I struggled with my swing these days.

But I met a new coach three months ago. He's from Canada. So I'm getting better with him, yes.

Q. What's his name?

JEONGEUN LEE6: It's Brian. He's from -- born in Korea, but right now he's in Canada.

Q. So some people say that the HSBC Tournament is Asia's major. So how big of a tournament is this? How prestigious is this?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yeah, I like HSBC, the tournament, because I finished well last year. But it was close to, yeah, the win. But, yeah, I like this course. But course conditions so good, so I'm very enjoying.

Q. So it is more comfortable for you to play closer to home in Asia on the LPGA Tour?

JEONGEUN LEE6: Yes. And I like Asian food. And then I'm enjoying Singapore. Yeah. Yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129408-1-1222 2023-03-02 04:48:00 GMT

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