HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Amanda Tan

Quick Quotes

Q. (Indiscernible)?

AMANDA TAN: I mean, definitely it's not my best job out there. I just putt from -- just some putts out there that I make on hole 5, hole 14, like 15, 16, and 17.

Yeah, but other than that, I think I made some good save here and there, but, yeah, definitely not my best round. I'm hoping the next few days more putts can drop, and with my long game, I can just keep continuing it, and my chipping as well.

Q. This is the first time that you have played in the HSBC (indiscernible)?

AMANDA TAN: I mean, firstly, it's always been -- it's always an experience for me to be able to play at home at Sentosa, which is my home club. That's always a very special experience for me. And it means a lot to me.

But, like, playing against world-class few, it's a big learning experience for me. So I'm hoping to gain as much as I can, learn as much as I can, and hopefully, you know, from this week, it can help me on my season for the rest of the year.

Q. So which areas do you think was good and was bad?

AMANDA TAN: I think, as I said, putting wasn't too good today. I mean, apart from hole 11, other than that, I just didn't really hole any putts. And then made some 4-putts out there on the back nine, which is my front nine.

But the good part of my game was driving the ball decently, pretty happy with that. Chipping the ball pretty good as well. So, yeah, hopefully I'm able to maintain that and keep it going.

Q. So you're playing with a couple of (indiscernible). So did they give you any advice or any conversations with them?

AMANDA TAN: Just like brief conversation with them, just asking, like, how does she like Singapore and what's she's been up to kind of thing. But, yeah, small talk here and there.

Q. Can you tell us a bit more about how you began in golf and how you get here today?

AMANDA TAN: So I started, my parents just brought me to the range. Me, my brother and my parents, we went to the range. Picked up golf because my parents wanted me to play a sport. So golf it was.

So, yeah, from then on, like after a year and a bit, like when I was eight or nine, I started competing. And, yeah, so then I like it. My parents thought I could pursue it. So from then on, I just went on.

Q. And this is your home course. You've been here a lot. What's your favorite hole? It's a big question.

AMANDA TAN: Yes, yes. Favorite hole.

Q. Or most challenging. Whatever.

AMANDA TAN: Or most challenging. I think hole 6 for sure is one of the tough ones out there. But I must say that when it's tournament week versus when I'm here every day, it's completely different. You know, the course just plays much tougher, the putting green is just so different. You know, the breaks just -- just everything is so different.

So I would say just totally it's just everything makes it tougher as well.

But, yeah, I do have a few favorite holes, like hole 9. It's like pretty straightforward, but yet with front pin and back pin, it plays very different as well. So there is a lot of holes out there that's like that, you know, big greens where different pin positions can set out the different plays.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129409-1-1222 2023-03-02 05:10:00 GMT

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