HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Linn Grant

Quick Quotes

Q. What a pleasure to be joined by Linn Grant. Linn in the clubhouse, a round of 69. How was it out there? Because there's been nine and a half inches of rain; yet, the course has held up beautifully.

LINN GRANT: Yeah, just like you're saying, the course is really nice, which I'm very surprised by. But I like it. It's a great golf course, and I think I kind of held it up a little bit in the beginning and managed to do some good things.

Q. You're in contention after the opening round. Your job is done and dusted for the day. It's your first time in Singapore, and hear you've been out and about in Singapore with your good friend Maja Stark. What have you been up to?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, we're just -- we went to something garden --

Q. Yeah, Gardens By the Bay. Supertrees.

LINN GRANT: There we go. It's cool. I mean, it's a cool city. It's definitely a place that I would like to come back to. It's very -- it's nice, nice people and just a cool place. Not like anything else.

Q. You had a very cool year last year, winning the race to the Costa Del Sol on the Ladies European Tour. You're now on the big stage, the promise land. What are the goals for this year when you look at how loaded this field is?

LINN GRANT: I was actually thinking about it out there, and I feel like every tournament I can play out here is just another opportunity for me to learn.

I feel like this whole year, and even though I played good on the events last year, I feel like I'm trying to learn as much as possible every week. And just trying to get better and better and see how far that will take me.

Q. I think your distance around this golf course will be huge, but a really good start. 69. Well played.

LINN GRANT: Thank you.

Q. Sporty little 69 to start the day. Some of these pins were in some tricky spots. But how did you manage?

LINN GRANT: I think I just tried to play it safe on the really tough pins. I mean, that doesn't always go as planned, as on 18.

But you try your best and just try to get the -- when I got the opportunities, try to really get the putts rolling in. Yeah.

Q. I know last week, kind of middle-of-the-pack finish. It had been -- did you take some time off maybe before Thailand and you've kind of gotten back into your groove this week?

LINN GRANT: I feel like, you know, after last year, I feel like I have to get back to this. Like I just play golf because it's fun. I really enjoy it. I feel like playing when I played in Thailand, I just put so much pressure on myself, like I feel like I should be in the top 10, and then when that doesn't happen after a par round, I feel like out here you have to be on it from the start. And when that doesn't happen, you kind of just dig your hole sort of.

But, yeah, so this week I just tried to have the mindset that I'm -- so this morning, I'm a stone, everything just rings off of me, I'm just going to not react.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129413-1-1222 2023-03-02 06:08:00 GMT

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