HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Yuka Saso

Quick Quotes

Q. So really well played today, and can you just talk me through your round.

YUKA SASO: Thank you. I played pretty consistent with my second shots. And I was able to put myself in a good chance for birdies a couple holes. And, yeah, I was enjoying playing with Lilia and Patty too. So it was a good day.

Q. And you mentioned you've got a new caddie. Just started this year.


Q. Can you just talk through how that maybe helped, have you changed your relationship?

YUKA SASO: Obviously he's very -- we've known each other for -- I first met him back in 2021 when he was still caddying for In Gee, and obviously he's a very great guy and knows -- he played golf, and he is very supportive with my routine and keeps me, you know, in the moment. And just makes me laugh, have non-related golf talk on the golf course.

So it's been fun with him.

Q. How do you think about your performance today?

YUKA SASO: I think I played pretty consistent. Gave myself good chances. Yeah, I enjoyed playing with Lilia and Patty. And didn't rain, so, yeah, very happy.

Q. So which areas of your round do you think (indiscernible)? Was it your iron play?

YUKA SASO: Yeah, iron play for sure. I was able to give myself a chance.

Q. So now you're second on the leaderboard, a few shots back. Do you have any difference in approach heading into the weekend?

YUKA SASO: No, just keep doing what I'm doing and just enjoy the game. Yeah, have fun.

Q. So I believe your last tournament win was the U.S. Open in 2021. So how difficult would you say is it to win a tournament?

YUKA SASO: Well, winning here in LPGA is not easy. It's the highest ranked tournament in the world. So just have to keep grinding and keep working and give yourself time and give yourself a chance, trying to give yourself a chance every week and hope you get it after a week.

But it's not easy. So just being patient and enjoy the journey.

Q. So in terms of the mental state, you know, like getting into the final, like the one shot, you know, how do you approach things differently? It is very difficult to manage?

YUKA SASO: I have a lot less experience than other players here. So I don't really know how to answer that. But, yeah, I'm just trying to enjoy every moment. And just very thankful that I'm here. Yeah, just trying to appreciate everything.

Q. I believe people call HSBC tournament Asia's major. So how big of a tournament is it to you? How much do you want to win it?

YUKA SASO: You know, I played here back in -- when was it? '18? I forgot. And to be able to play in this prestigious golf course and where they play, HSBC, obviously it was one of my dream event to play in. Of course, to win, hopefully, to win.

But, yeah, just I would like to focus on what I have to do now, and trying to enjoy everything.

Q. Played pretty well last week. I know you got off to a pretty hot start at Hilton. But good round today. Just what's been working?

YUKA SASO: I played pretty consistent with second shots. I was able to put myself in a good position and give myself a good chance for birdie. And really enjoyed playing with Lilia and Patty. So, yeah, it was a good day.

Q. What have you maybe worked on in the offseason that you're really starting to see pay off? You've had some low scores in the past couple of events.

YUKA SASO: Yeah, I tried to work on everything, not really focusing on a specific game or anything like that. I think just being patient and keep doing what I have to do, just enjoy the game.

Q. Any of those birdies stand out today? Any personal highlights out there?

YUKA SASO: I don't know. My highlight? Maybe front nine. I played pretty consistent. Hit good second shots on a couple holes, inside six feet.

So, yeah, I put myself in a good chance for a birdie, and I took it. So I think that will be my highlight of the day.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129414-1-1222 2023-03-02 06:28:00 GMT

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