HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. Played well last week. Off to a good start this week. What do you think about those two weeks so far?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I've been playing well. My game has been really solid. Gave myself a lot of chances today. I had a lot of putts that just lipped out or just went by the edge.

So just do more of the same tomorrow, and hopefully I can hole a few more putts.

Q. What did you learn maybe from last week that you carried to this week? And, again, off to a good start.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I think you just have to have patience in these weeks. I think it's hard. There's weather issues. We didn't get probably ideal practice in this week.

So you just kind of have to stay patient, have a good attitude, and take your chances where you get them.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129415-1-1222 2023-03-02 06:33:00 GMT

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