HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 3 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Linn Grant

Quick Quotes

Q. So really well played today. Can you just talk me through your round.

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I think I just played very solid, had a lot of good drives, and I was close to the pin today on my shots into the greens than yesterday. So I gave myself a lot of chances and managed to make some of those putts.

And just had a -- I think I had a bogey-free round as well. So just a great day.

Q. And how did you cope with the weather conditions?

LINN GRANT: Feel like I'm kind of used to having the rain. So I tried to just, you know -- thinking that whenever I go out again, just to be focused and really present and not just waste a shot just because of the weather. I think I managed to do that.

Q. And to have such a long rain delay, how do you keep your mindset still going? And it's a lot to just get back out there after the long --

LINN GRANT: Yeah, it's like a mix, like half of you just wants to go home and just come back the next day, and half of you really wants to go out.

So, yeah, just trying to think that, you know, like I said, just trying to get into it again. It is tough. But in the beginning, like the first couple holes, you just don't want to mess up because of the delay. And so it took me a couple holes before I really got there. But I still got there.

Q. And you've been playing really well at the start of the year. What's your goal for this season?

LINN GRANT: To make the Solheim Cup team, to become top five in the world. And then win a major. I'll add that, to win a major.

Q. Is there anything that you're doing particularly to strive toward your goals?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I tweak everything every year and try to look at my stats for every tournament and see what I can do for the next one, and trying to think as long term as possible, even though it is hard competing pretty much every week. But just trying to think of it as a long-term goal.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129471-1-1222 2023-03-03 10:49:00 GMT

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