HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 3 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Allisen Corpuz

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, we'll welcome Allisen Corpuz in the Media Center at the 2023 HSBC Women's World Championship. I mean, what a day, and some crazy conditions. Had an eagle on the card, three birdies in a row at one point. Just take me through your round out there.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, I think I was trying to stay patient today, especially with all the weather delays. Just was hitting some really solid shots, like you said, the eagle on 8 was really nice to get, just hit a good drive, a good 5-wood and managed to roll that putt in and just got some momentum going into the back nine, and got a few birdies on the back nine as well.

THE MODERATOR: Those three in a row, what was kind of working for you there? I know when you talked to Kate Burton, your putter was hot.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, well, hit a really good 5-iron into 10 green, and then had probably a 6-footer there, got that one in.

And then 11 actually went just over the back edge and managed to make a long one for birdie there.

And then 12, hit another really good approach shot and managed to convert that.

THE MODERATOR: What did you work on like maybe in the offseason that you're really seeing pay off today? Or even what adjustments did you make from last week to this week that you're seeing pay off?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think just really trying to tell myself, you know, I belong here, just the same stuff as last year, just trying to get more comfortable seeing my name on leaderboards as far as the mental side.

And as far as my game, just really trying to tighten everything up, just keep working on technique and fundamentals.

THE MODERATOR: Obviously a good friend of yours got a win last week. I know that was a fun thing for you to witness around the 18th, and now you're in the mix heading into the weekend. Just how motivating was that performance from Lilia for you, and really did it show you anything that you may apply to this week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, I'm obviously so happy for Lili. I've known her for such a long time, really going all the way back to being like nine, ten years old, competing together.

And it was just really special to be there on 18 and watch her get the win and just watch her put up such a great final round. I think she's just such a great example of hard work really paying off.

And, yeah, just hoping to learn from her example and just kind of keep following in her footsteps.

THE MODERATOR: You both had pretty solid years last year. I mean, can't forget you had a few top 5s, a lot of top 15, top 20s. What did you learn from your rookie year that you're applying to 2023? Have you seen it kind of help you already?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think just trying to remain comfortable, taking a little extra time to just breathe over shots and just, yeah, just go out there and try to hit the best shots that I can, really, instead of thinking about scores and results too much. Just really try and go out there and play my best golf.

THE MODERATOR: On that note, mindset heading into the weekend. I know you've been in contention before. It's another week in contention and a pretty challenging golf course with some challenging conditions. What are you thinking?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Really just trying to stay comfortable. I mean, everything is a learning experience or a win, so hoping that it's a win. But really excited to go into the weekend in a good position.

THE MODERATOR: We're looking forward to seeing you there.


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