HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 3 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Elizabeth Szokol

Quick Quotes

Q. It has been a long day. How have you kept yourself going through this day? Because I think you've done brilliantly to hold on, you're third on the leaderboard after what seemed like an eternal day.

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: Yeah, so it was a really long day. So just happy with how I battled today. I didn't have my best stuff, but it was a long day. Just happy to finish the day and still have a round under par.

Q. And what particularly were you struggling with today?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: I didn't make as many putts as I did yesterday. Didn't have as many good iron shots. But just didn't make as many putts as yesterday.

Q. And was that a little bit the pace of the greens? They were taking on a lot of water. Was the pace bothering you a little bit, or just reading it?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: I'm not sure. Maybe a little bit of both. Yes, a little bit of both probably.

Q. But there's no way you're going to go home and practice tonight, is there?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: I am not. I am going straight to get some dinner and go to bed. It's been a long day.

Q. And on a day like this, where you have got so many on and offs and just so much going on, how do you keep yourself focused, calm?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: I just kind of relax in the locker room and chatted with friends. Basically didn't do much, just kind of hope the time would pass as quick as it did, and just didn't do much.

Q. And what are you going to do tonight? Are you going out to dinner and then straight to bed?

ELIZABETH SZOKOL: Yes. I think that's about it, just go and grab some dinner with friends and call it a night.

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129475-1-1222 2023-03-03 11:30:00 GMT

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