HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Jin Young Ko

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We are joined by our leader here at the 2023 HSBC Women's World Championship, what a day, in those conditions, that's a really, really impressive round of golf. Started off the day hot, making four birdies in your first five holes. Tell me about that five-hole stretch.

JIN YOUNG KO: I tried to focus really hard over the front nine, and I got four birdies in five holes. I felt, yeah, today is a good day, so keep going. I tried myself, hard, on the back nine. I played well today but I had some missed putts and some great shots but not good shoots, too. It's okay, I have one more round to go, so, yeah, let's keep it up.

THE MODERATOR: How did you stay patient when maybe some of those shot weren't going your way.

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, this shot will be really important but I'm trying to think, this is a shot -- I don't like to make pressure myself.

THE MODERATOR: You finished really strong, started really strong and finished really strong, two birdies in your last three. Take me through 16 and 17, what happened there.

JIN YOUNG KO: 16 was a par 5. I hit great second shot and great third shot, it was 126 meters to pin from third. I got pitching wedge. It was strong downwind, and I carried almost pin-high and maybe three or four meters, and I made it.

No. 17 was par 3. Pin was 147, maybe 150, so I got 7. It was strong downbreeze as well. So hit it well and putt well and made birdie.

THE MODERATOR: To have this momentum going into Sunday, especially defending here, just how much confidence do you have? This is a really, really solid round of golf and actually two solid rounds back-to-back.

JIN YOUNG KO: I believe all the Singapore fans follow me and they are supporting me. So I have got a lot of energy from them, and I will play good tomorrow and I will focus myself, and I will enjoy with my fans.

Q. How are you feeling now, are you back to where you were before last season?

JIN YOUNG KO: I would say not 100 percent, but yeah, my swing or my putting feels like in 2019. Yeah, I have good confidence on the course and I want to keep this confidence and I will work harder for this.

THE MODERATOR: Heading into the final round again leading. How excited are you to be in the mix and having a chance to defend here? I know you've defended titles before successfully. How excited are you to is a chance to do it again?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, if I make it, it's going to be a great honor. I know it's difficult, but I feel that what makes it difficult is only myself making it difficult, so hopefully play well tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129535-1-1003 2023-03-04 08:53:00 GMT

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