HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Allisen Corpuz

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We are here with Alison who like Liz fought hard out there today, ground out a 2-under 730. A little bit of color on the card and made some birdies. Tell me about your round today.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, it was pretty solid again. Again with the rain, got a little tight at the beginning. Wasn't quite hitting the ball as well as I wanted to. Got a few good bounces and a few bad bounces. Had one go into the water on 5 and just tried to stay patient out there and managed to get a few putts to go in on the back nine.

THE MODERATOR: What was the mindset shift after 5? I know at 7-under par, it could go one of two ways but you got it back pretty quickly. What were you thinking after that hole.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I joked with my caddie that it's a weird way to be even after five holes but really just trying to take a bigger perspective on it and just play better coming in.

THE MODERATOR: Pretty steady on the back. I know the par 3, the pin on 17 is not easy. Having a birdie there, tell me about that hole.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Hit a good tee shot. Don't know quite where it landed but I think it had a soft bounce and had maybe a 10-footer for birdie and managed to roll that in.

THE MODERATOR: In contention heading into Sunday with Jin Young Ko, and you're in esteemed company. You were in this position last year as a rookie. What did you take from those experiences that you'll apply to tomorrow.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think I'm still trying to learn how to stay aggressive, instead of I've had a tendency in the past to get a little more conservative I think under pressure, and I think just knowing that what it's going to take just staying aggressive and still trying to play the same way that I did the last three days. Just try to take that mindset into tomorrow.

THE MODERATOR: Playing aggressive on a Sunday, two mindsets, you can play conservative or you can go for broke. How do you when you're in the go for broke mindset, do you attack the pins or what's the mindset when you're playing like that?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think just trying not to change my strategy from what I've been doing. You're always going to have opportunities come up but if you don't, you can't just fire at a pin. But just really taking the opportunities as they come.

THE MODERATOR: Great golf course, great venue, great event this week. What would it mean to finally get it done?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think it's just a dream come true for everyone to get a win on the LPGA Tour. Yeah, first one would be really special.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129537-2-1003 2023-03-04 09:08:00 GMT

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