HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. Quite tough conditions out there. Can you talk about your round?

DANIELLE KANG: I actually played really well today. I missed a couple putts but there weren't a lot of birdie opportunities. The two times I got greedy, I made bogey, so I kept giving myself putts, and I think it just kind of got to may patience a bit. I should have just kept giving myself putts.

Q. When you got greedy specifically, like what?

DANIELLE KANG: 10 and 12. The pin positions today, was a lot of front pins for downwind and back pins for into the wind. It was very interesting. I had driver, 3-wood on the last hole. I mean, that's a good par. Can't get upset about making par there.

Even on 10, I had a 4-iron in and it was 185 yards to the pin, and I should have probably just hit it left and missed it left. But hit it a little right. I was in a water hazard in the bunker but if I dropped it, it's going to plug. Played out of it. There's a lot of variables today but I actually playing really solid.

Q. I could see you looking positive and having a nice time with your playing partners, so you're actually feeling good about your game going into tomorrow?

DANIELLE KANG: Yeah, feeling good about tomorrow. I stayed in it. My 4-iron was probably my MVP today. It's kept me in for Sunday.

Q. Would you say just in general, you've got an incredibly positive attitude, I'm not saying you're always positive, but is there anything special you're doing or anyone you've worked with to get into that sort of mindset?

DANIELLE KANG: Not necessarily. I think a lot of stuffs been happening that it actually put me in a really positive place, and there's nothing I can do to control it. It's always going to keep happening. There's always going to be something. There's always going to be a pin that I don't like or someone that bugs me or something that doesn't go anyway. But it's just exhausting to keep dwelling on something that's going to forever happen. So I just really try not to care about it and I actually don't because there's another shot that I care about that's coming up.

So on 13, it was a wedge shot but I just couldn't attack that pin because I didn't want it to spin all the way down. It's like that, I'm doing the best -- I don't know what it looks like from the outside but I really kept myself in it today so I was happy.

Q. I definitely think you just look like you are going to the next hole looking more positive.

DANIELLE KANG: Yeah, there's nothing I can do about the 16th hole. I'm not going to hit it harder than I hit it. It was sitting on a downslope on a wedge shot into the green. So if you know golf, I can't hit this any harder than I did, so to give myself a 30-footer was the play. If I got closer, great. If not, gave myself a good run.

Same thing on the next hole. I wasn't going into the bunker, so I was going to hit it long, try to catch the right bounce but give myself a putt, 2-putt.

18th hole, that's a five for me today. It was a driver 3-wood and I don't know why -- I don't know where it hit. But we were laughing because I just absolutely demolished that 3-wood to get it as close as possible. But yeah, so I told him, though, I smashed that putt because I wanted it hit it by just once. Let me just try and give it a run and see what happens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129538-1-1003 2023-03-04 09:13:00 GMT

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