HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Amanda Tan

Quick Quotes

Q. 8-over, this is the best score a local has ever achieved across the years. What do you think of your performance this week in very challenging conditions?

AMANDA TAN: I mean, firstly I got lucky with the pairings. I paired with some very good players like Jessica Korda and Brooke Henderson, just good players, and I think I gained a lot from them.

I think the conditions were quite rough, especially yesterday and today on certain holes, it was range very heavy. I wasn't focused on shooting a score. I was focused on trying to play my best, and it turned out well.

I must say, I didn't putt as well as I hoped for, but yeah, still it was a good week. I kind of hung in there when I needed to and played the back nine, which the front nine, pretty well, so I'm happy with that.

Q. How has that experience the past year playing in the U.S. and the other tours help?

AMANDA TAN: It definitely helped, especially playing the Q-School last November, it has really helped me. I think the actual helped my game, not just technically but mentally as well. I think when I was out there struggling a little bit, it kept me going and just kept fighting and be patient out there.

Q. I guess what is next for you and how will that performance help with what is next for you?

AMANDA TAN: I think there's a lot of room for me to improve on. There are a lot of thing things I can take out of this week as well, my putting, like I mentioned. But next for me will be the Epson Tour. I go next week to the U.S., and will probably be there throughout the year.

Q. What advice would you give to young girls out there?

AMANDA TAN: Keep working hard and but don't forget to be easy on yourself. It's okay to make mistakes and only from mistakes that you start learning. I think that's an important step that I wish I kind of knew earlier and I wish that I went through. But I think through mistakes and through the years, I became better.

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129579-2-1003 2023-03-05 07:15:00 GMT

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