HSBC Women's World Championship

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Minjee Lee

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Hello and welcome to the Media Centre at the HSBC Women's World Championship. I'm joined here by Minjee Lee. Welcome to the Media Centre?

MINJEE LEE: Thank you.

THE MODERATOR: We'll just kick things off here. You've had a lot of great success here at this tournament. What is it about this tournament that you love and maybe what about Singapore that you love?

MINJEE LEE: About Singapore, everything. I love the food. Obviously the hospitality is really great here.

And the course, I think it speaks for itself. It's always in great condition, and yeah, I think Singapore is a great stop on our tour, and I think the tournament sponsors always try to elevate the tournament itself, and obviously always push the women's game to a new level. So always have fun coming back here.

THE MODERATOR: And taking us back to 2023, you had two wins toward the end of the year there. How would you describe the year as a whole for yourself?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I feel like I had a really great finish to the year, and I was really hoping for that, too. Like I didn't really have the quick start to the year last year.

So yeah, it was really nice to finish off with some confidence and a couple wins there and some good finishes. Hopefully I can keep the good momentum going into the start of this year and the rest of the year.

Q. This is your first start of 2024; correct?

MINJEE LEE: Yes, it is.

Q. What are some of your goals for this week and this year in general?

MINJEE LEE: Obviously it's a big year with the Olympics, and all the majors, they are always on the top of my priority list, I guess. Always want to be playing well in those and contending.

In terms of this week, obviously I would like to contend and get the trophy on Sunday. It is one of the best events. I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself or put too many expectations. I just want to go out there and have fun.

Q. You've been to this course several times. What do you think are the key factors in doing well this week?

MINJEE LEE: I guess it really depends on, like, the conditions. But yesterday, I played and it was a little bit windy. So if it's windy for the week, then it will probably play a little bit tougher than when it's still around here.

I definitely think ball-striking is a big thing out here. You want to hit the fairways, hit the greens and you'll have good chances with birdies. I think that is a big key around the course.

Q. You've been consistent the last five, six years, winning tournaments. What are the keys for your consistency?

MINJEE LEE: I think in terms of consistency, I always work hard. You can't get too a high level without working hard. So my work ethic has been very good for how many years I've been playing, either on tour, off-season. Also, going to the gym pretty consistently. You want to be healthy so you can also perform well on the golf course.

So I think that's a big part of being consistent, and I think it's not only like my golf game that I work on. Like you also have to be happy personally on and off the course, as well, to perform well on the course.

So I think that is also part of, you know, being consistent on the golf course. So yeah, in terms of this tournament, yeah, obviously I want to contend, so come Sunday, I want to be in one of the last few groups. So hopefully I can do that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141257-1-1003 2024-02-27 03:14:00 GMT

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