HSBC Women's World Championship

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Jin Young Ko

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right. I'm here in the media center with defending champion Jin Young Ko. Jin Young, you've won in the last two editions here, 2022 and 2023. Just talk to us about what you remember from those wins.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I mean, when I think about like HSBC, it's always happy because I won twice. And time flies so fast. I can't believe it was one year ago.

Yeah, I'm very excited to be back here, yeah.

Q. And is there something in particular you like about this tournament?


THE MODERATOR: Do you like the event, the fans, the culture?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, all the fans. And even in Singapore, you have Koreans, a lot of fans here. So I felt like love resonated. And they're very excited to play here, like all of like great players in the world. So I'm really happy to see them.

THE MODERATOR: Is there anything about the course you like?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I mean, I played back nine today, and then the 18, a little bit of a change from the pin, and they made big bunkers around like second area.

So, yeah, it feels a little difficult to me, but it was okay.

THE MODERATOR: I'll go ahead and open it up for questions now if there's any.

Q. (Indiscernible) come back here and have a chance to join this list of prestigious (indiscernible). Do you think you will be able to win this?

JIN YOUNG KO: I don't have any pressure because I was lucky to win twice in this tournament, but I don't want to make me work harder and any pressure from there. This week I'll just try, try myself, try to best myself and just go with myself and see what happens.

Q. Last year (indiscernible) some injury issues, how are you coming into this one?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, this year is going to be -- is my 10th year, I think, with the LPGA Tour. So, yeah, I mean, I had lot of injuries last three years, but now I feel it's getting better in the last two years. And yes, I'm getting old, but my body is getting better I would say.

Q. What is it about this golf course that appeals to you?

JIN YOUNG KO: Lots of trees, like from like -- lots of trees like in the rough or out on the fairway, and greens are really fast right now. And less bunkers.

I mean, it's not easy to play this golf course. But if I make a lot of fairways or a lot of greens, I will make birdies, and also the other players as well.

Q. Two questions for you. The last editions you won by two shots. Do you perceive a very close contest in this one? And the second question is what kind of advice (indiscernible)?

JIN YOUNG KO: I don't mind if I win. I don't care. I mean, I don't know. I mean, like in this tournament, a lot of the players there, and I don't know -- I mean, everyone wants to get, like, win of this year and this tournament, same as me, but I don't know -- I can't control how they play for this week. So only thing I can control is like myself. Yeah, I don't care.

Q. (Off microphone)?

JIN YOUNG KO: No, my father doesn't give any tips from boxing. He wants me to do more of like jumping rope sometimes. But I can't. I'm getting old.

THE MODERATOR: So you won here last year, and then you won at the Founders Cup earlier in the year. How do you think that kick started your season last year?

JIN YOUNG KO: It was good. It was good start. And I had a lot of ups and downs after Founders Cup win. And my injury wasn't like getting better after the Founders, but I kept, like, work really hard. But it doesn't work it, it doesn't like -- it doesn't worth it.

But I know I trust after that, any issues, I will be like growing up and like past couple months. So yeah. I mean, yeah, it was okay. It was okay. I can accept everything from last year because it's golf. Golf is really hard. And we need to get more like patient and calm, to be calm and to be enjoying. But it's like amazing players on this tournament.

THE MODERATOR: And with that in mind and you made your start of the season last week at Thailand, what are your goals for this season?

JIN YOUNG KO: No injury, and just happy and just make something happen in my life. Let's see how it goes.

THE MODERATOR: I love that. Thank you so much.

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141260-1-1222 2024-02-27 07:35:00 GMT

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