HSBC Women's World Championship

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Lilia Vu

Press Conference


THE MODERATOR: Welcome Lilia Vu to the Media Centre at the HSBC Women's World Championship.

This is your second start at the event. Last year you tied for 14. What did you learn about the course last year that you're bringing into this year?

LILIA VU: I think that it was really -- you've got to be really strict and disciplined off the tee. I think it's not very easy, and then today was a little windy, too, when we played.

So that kind of brought in another factor. Greens are fast and not as receptive, so definitely on the more difficult side, which I enjoy. So I think just being very disciplined off the tee will put you in a good position.

THE MODERATOR: And speaking of course conditions, there was a new bunker added to 18.


THE MODERATOR: How does that maybe change your strategy this year on that hole?

LILIA VU: You kind of just have to focus on your target line. I think just knowing that, I mean, that bunker is really keep. I took a look at it, and it's not a short hole for us.

So if you get in there, you'll probably have 5-, 6-, maybe even 4-iron or hybrid for some people.

So not the easiest spot to hit, but also there's trees on the right of the fairway. So you kind of just have to really trust the wind on that hole and where you're going to start the ball.

Q. How do you deal with the pressure of staying on top?

LILIA VU: I think I'm still learning to kind of manage that. I think that's definitely a new thing for me. I keep saying that the reason I got to this point was because I played each tournament trying to win the tournament and just one shot at a time.

So just not getting frustrated with myself, I feel like at the beginning of the season, that was very quick for me to get frustrated whenever I didn't play perfect golf. But golf is not a game of perfect, and I try to keep telling myself that.

So I try to kind of stick to my game plan of just having fun, and I just think it's really fun to go to a golf course and try to birdie every single hole. And that's literally my goal, and if I don't birdie, I just move on to the next hole and try again.

Q. Can you share some of your goals this year?

LILIA VU: The first would be make it to the Olympics, and then also win a couple times this year, not too specific on what, but just trying not to, you know, hold myself to super high standards because that's just -- I want it attainable.

Q. Welcome to Singapore. You mentioned that the last time you played in Singapore, your strategy -- what is your strategy for this course specifically?

LILIA VU: So this course is pretty demanding off the tee, and I think with how the green has been playing, it's a little bit on the firmer side. So for me, you can't really attack the pins. You kind of just have to aim for the front of the green and just kind of have a plan after that. So just playing smart golf, not being too greedy and I think I'm just going to stick to that game plan.

Q. How would you approach the final round if were three shots back?

LILIA VU: I think that's my favourite place to be, kind of three shots back. I always feel like Sunday, the final day, there's really nothing to lose, even if I were to be leading, I haven't won the tournament yet.

So I kind of go to the final day with that mindset of just birdieing as many holes as I can or just doing my best and having a lot of fun.

Q. You just finished the Pro-Am now. How is the course playing?

LILIA VU: The course is playing really nice. I think it's even -- this course is beautiful, and it was beautiful last year, but I think it's in even better condition this year. I think it's going to be more challenging than last, and I think it's going to be a good test for all the girls.

Q. Can you tell us I'm sure there's some story to how you got to the U.S. --

LILIA VU: So the entire story?

Q. Your values and your family background.

LILIA VU: Well, I don't know where to start. I would say my parents have been my rock through and through, and they have believed in me since the beginning, even when I thought about quitting golf during my rookie year, 2019, on LPGA.

I just kind of stuck it out. My mom believed in me more than anybody, and also, the beginning of COVID in 2020, that's when my grandpa passed away, my mom's dad. And I remember seeing him before I left for a tournament, and at the hospital, and he was about to get discharged. So everything was fine, and he had told me, play my best, and try hard and never give up.

My grandma was somebody that was -- he didn't talk a lot. So every word that he said to me always meant a lot.

After that tournament, we landed and we got a call from my aunt that my grandpa was in the hospital. Inevitably he passed away that day.

So I just kind of think back to that and how my grandpa pass. He's a very hard-working person, and the way that he -- how my come came over to the United States is my grandpa and his family and my mom and her siblings all lived in the country side in Vietnam, and he would go away a month at a time to build a boat, and push came to shove, and my mom said that her and her siblings were running in the forest to that boat, and luckily, the U.S. boat found them and then made their way over to the U.S., and now I'm here.

That was a long-winded story, but yeah, I think everything comes from my family. I'm a very big family person. They believe many me the most. So everything I do is for them.

Q. Are your parents here this week?

LILIA VU: Yeah, my parents are here. They are shopping probably.

THE MODERATOR: Just two more from me. Talking about this tournament as a whole, what have you enjoyed most about coming back here? There was a few photos and content from Monday night going to the Sensoryscape. Can you talk about that maybe a little bit?

LILIA VU: Yeah, that was super fun. So Ruoning, Celine, Jin Young and I went to Sensoryscape. I've never seen it before. I heard it's a new attraction but it was really fun to be there. Took a lot of photos with them. We were kind of in the middle portion of the sculpture with the waterfall. It looked like a bunch of spoons falling down. It was a very cool experience and to be there with them was really cool, too.

THE MODERATOR: What do you remember most about the support of here just from the City of Singapore and fans in general?

LILIA VU: Yeah, it's an amazing city and country. I think a lot of fans come out to support many of their favourite players. I always enjoy coming to any country in Asia. I think they really respect women's golf over here and that's something that I really appreciate.

THE MODERATOR: So obviously last year we talked about you won four times, what is the difference between Lilia Vu today and the Lilia Vu last year at this tournament?

LILIA VU: I think sometimes I get really down on myself and just frustrated that I didn't hit a shot that I know I could pull off.

So I think just more confidence, a little more -- I think I'm nicer to myself now knowing that I'm kind of resilient, and I think that's the biggest difference.

THE MODERATOR: Big question, I know. Thank you, Lilia.

LILIA VU: Thank you.

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141276-1-1003 2024-02-28 05:42:00 GMT

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