HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Gemma Dryburgh

Quick Quotes

Q. There last year was your first year here. Can you talk about your round today? Had a couple birdies there.

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, didn't start off the best. Had an unlucky one on the second that went in the water, but apart from that it was very solid after that. Rolled a couple birdie putts which was nice.

But yeah, pretty solid. Greens are much firmer than last year, a bit drier. Last year was very wet. So yeah, it's a bit of a different challenge. Yeah, it's good.

Q. How is the course looking different compared to last year?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Mainly the greens are much firmer, and so it's kind of having to play away from some pins because if they put them at the front, you just couldn't get at them. You just have to manage yourself a bit more around there because last year felt like you could pin hunt a bit more. Just manage the game a bit more.

Q. What sort of things do you enjoy about Singapore? Last year was your first year. Any things you visited or new attractions you wanted to go to?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, I did all the kind of big touristy things last year. Gardens by the Bay and stuff and Marina Bay Sands. So that was pretty cool. Love that whole area. But yeah, probably go down there at some point this week.

We're in a different area this year, the hotel. So a bit more shopping and stuff. I'm not a big shopper myself but might have a look around, we'll see. Yeah, lots of good food. It's a cool place.

Q. And you had a good couple finishes to start the year and a big year with Solheim Cup and stuff. What are your goals for the season?

GEMMA DRYBURGH: Yeah, obviously Solheim is obviously in the back of my mind but trying to forget about that and hopefully just let the golf do the talking. But yeah, big focus on the majors this year, and hopefully get a Top-10 in one of them and win again would be a big goal of mine. You know, since end of 2022, be nice to get another win. Yeah, it's obviously hard to win out here but it's a definite goal of mine.

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141292-1-1003 2024-02-29 06:51:00 GMT

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