HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Chanette Wannasaen

Quick Quotes

Q. Your first round of the HSBC Women's World Championship. Solid round today, top of the leaderboard. Can you talk about your round and what you saw out there?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Yeah, the course is playing way more difficult than last year, and I knew that coming into today. Just trying to birdie where I can and take the par when you can.

Q. Just adding on to the point about challenging conditions, you mentioned how you have a game plan of not attacking pins and all that, but can you elaborate more about the differences between this year and last year and the humidity?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: I think the humidity is around the same. I think maybe last year, since there was more rain and less wind, so we could go for pins and know that it's going to stick there. But this year, the greens are playing firmer. Still a little sandy but you just have to play your way around. You can't hit to tucked pins. You have to take your medicine and just have a 20-footer to try and make a birdie.

Q. Are you surprised to be on the top of the leaderboard after a 3-under round?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Yeah, I think I was surprised that the scores were so high. I always expect at least 6-under to be the leader. But yeah, it shows how tough the course is playing and it's a good challenge.

Q. And knowing that the conditions are tougher for this week, would you adjust your game play?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: No, I don't think so. I play pretty well at difficult courses. I feel like I'm just playing normal.

Q. Can you just take us back to last week and talk about how it was to defend in Thailand?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Yeah, that was my first tournament defending. I kind of felt a little bit of pressure the first round but kind of glad that I got it over with and was more in the moment throughout the week and just playing that tournament than thinking about, oh, you're defending a tournament. I don't really know what it means because I'm just trying to win another tournament.

So I know I'm proud of how I performed last week, though.

Q. And you'll probably have a few more times to do that this year. Anything else you took away from that experience that you're hoping to use for the next three times this year?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: I think just trusting my game. I think pressure isn't too real. The only pressure that I have is from my own Seve, so just be nice to myself and go out there and have fun.

Q. I'm your first round at the HSBC Women's World Championship. Solid round today, two birdies, I believe. Can you talk about your round today?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Actually, on the first round, I didn't play that good. But like the short game, like the putter and chip is really good, and today, I'm on the green, like, 20-yard is very far, but I can make a 2-putt, yeah. It's really great.

Q. And I heard it was very windy out there today. How did you manage some of those conditions?

A. I just focus on because the wind is pretty much on today, but I think it's not much. Just focus on the shot.

Q. You played last week in Thailand; correct?


Q. How was it to play in your home country?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Because it's my hometown, it's very exciting to play. But at home, I'm nervous, because it's my hometown, right. And in Thailand, it's always hard. It's always hard in my hometown. But it's great because I met my family, met my friend and I met my sponsor, and I ate a lot of thigh found, which is really good.

Q. How have you enjoyed Singapore so far? This is your first time playing this event; correct?


Q. How have you enjoyed it so far?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: The culture is different than Thailand, but Singapore has like ocean. It's a beautiful ocean. I saw on the par three and hole 16, and hole', it's very, very cool.

Q. And so this is also the beginning of the 2024 season for the most part. What are your goals? What are you looking forward to in the rest of the year?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: This year, my goal, Top 60. I want to play on Asian Swing and I want play on tour, yeah.

Q. What would it mean to you to represent Thailand in the Olympics? Would it be very special for you?

CHANETTEE WANNASAEN: Yeah, it's very special. If I play Olympics, because it's my dream, play in the Olympics.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141297-1-1003 2024-02-29 07:39:00 GMT

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