HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 1 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid round today. Can you talk about your round and how your game is looking out there?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I played much better than yesterday. The conditions are different. Not as windy and as gusty as yesterday so that was kind of helpful. I guess adapting to how firm the greens are playing but I think the pins are a little bit easier today as well.

But I putted much better. I think I made 26 putts, so that always helps the round. But I also got it close and gave myself opportunities to make those putts.

Q. Were you working on your putting after yesterday?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I didn't hit many fairways yesterday, even again today. So I hit some balls and then worked on my speed. But yeah, I just hit it closer and gave myself better opportunities.

Q. What was going through your mind when you were playing this round, as opposed to yesterday's?

HANNAH GREEN: I knew I did the work that I needed to after the round yesterday. And I didn't want to work too hard because it is a lock week this week. But I felt like I left the golf course if a good head space yesterday, and you know, got the most rest.

So I just wanted to make sure I was positive because I can get pretty down on myself pretty quickly. So it's going to be tough to concentrate for five hours straight.

Q. Do you plan on working on some aspect of your game afterwards?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I'm probably just going to hit a few putts. The greens might be a little bit different this weekend if we do get some rain, so I just want to make sure I work on that.

Q. We spoke about the playoff, and today you're in a much better position. How do you feel in this position heading into the weekend?

HANNAH GREEN: I had a really good result in Singapore in 2021. It's a place that I really like to play. It's almost like a home game because there are a lot of Australian people here supporting us, and it's the same time zone and only a five-hour flight back to Perth, so it's close.

But I really enjoy playing here and eating the good food in Singapore.

Q. How are you feeling about being in contention?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I'm only the second group in, so there's a lot of golf left to be played. So hopefully my score does stay up that way and I'll get more sleep in tomorrow than the last two days. But yeah, hopefully I'm in good position.

Q. We're still in the beginning of 2024. I believe you just played last week, that was your debut. What are you looking forward to most this year?

HANNAH GREEN: I think The Open Championship, the AIG Women's Open. St Andrews is such a cool place to visit, let alone play. That's one I'm looking forward to.

Q. Have you played it before?

HANNAH GREEN: Yes, I played the Old Course in like pouring rain.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141315-1-1003 2024-03-01 05:38:00 GMT

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