HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 1 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Madelene Sagstrom

Quick Quotes

Q. You're the only player through 36 holes to be bogey-free here at Sentosa. This is not an easy golf course.

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I played kind of smart. I think that's kind of been the key to not making bogeys. Yesterday, it was not a lot of birdie chances. So we kind of had to play smart and let the putter do the talking.

Today I tried to give myself some chances and I've just been playing good golf and that takes bogeys out of play sometimes. I've been playing smart when I needed to, taking some longer putts because my putter has been pretty decent. I've had good speed on most putts today. That kind of comes with it.

Q. You've been playing a lot of good golf the last two weeks. You told me after the second round last week, that after last year, you wanted to try to play for fearlessly. Do you feel like you did a good job of that last weekend?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: Last weekend, it was a long time ago since I played in the final group two days in a row. It definitely hit some different emotions than I was used to doing. It's a little different when you play for 54th or trying to get a Top-10.

It was a very good place for me to be. I wasn't ready to pull it out yet but I feel comfortable now. I feel like those two rounds showed to myself that my game is in a good place and I also figured out what I needed to work on mentally the last weekend to give myself chances and not hit the brake button and keep pushing. I feel like that's easy for me to do. I can get a little timid and scared and hold on for dear life rather than keep pushing. The girls are so good. You can't stop.

Q. 7-under through 36 is leading, we are used to seeing most events from the Asian Swing be birdie-fests. Do you prefer that or more of a grind where ball-striking is rewarded?

MADELENE SAGSTROM: I prefer a grind. It suits my game quite well when it gets tough for everyone. I do like to make birdies, also, but at the same time, the course is so pure. The greens are firm. So it does get tricky. We stood on 17 and was like, how are we going to make this up.

It's funny, you have to be a little more creative and you have to also take your medicine from time to time. You can't just hit at the pins all the time. The golf course is in such great shape; it's going to be fun to see what happens over the weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141319-1-1003 2024-03-01 06:53:00 GMT

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