HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 1 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Stephanie Kyriacou

Quick Quotes

Q. Good second round at the HSBC Women's World Championship, solid round near the top of of the leaderboard. What do you see in your game that you really liked?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I really liked my putting. I holed some good putts for birdie. I didn't give myself many chances. It's a very long course for us, or for me. Yeah, it's tough. So I didn't give myself many chances but holed some nice putts.

Q. When you're maybe not one of the longest players out here, how do you adapt when you get to a course like this and it feels kind of long?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I just have to be good at putting and chipping, really. Height is on my side. Got to be good at something, at least it's putting.

Q. This is your first time here at this tournament. What do you enjoy most about the tournament and being Singapore?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: The golf course is so close to our hotel, and shopping. Might dent the bank account.

Q. Still in the beginning of 2024 for the most part. What are you looking forward to most this year, and any goals you have in particular?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I'm looking forward to some of the new tournaments, and now that I've played pretty much every tournament, I kind of chose my favourites. So looking forward to going back to those. I've got a few technical goals, would take too long to try and explain that.

Q. What are your favourite tournaments?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I like the Mizuno.

Q. Is there anything in particular about it?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I think it's the shopping. I think I have an addiction. If we're in a city and I can shop, that helps.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141320-1-1003 2024-03-01 07:01:00 GMT

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