HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 1 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Brooke, your second round of the HSBC Women's World Championship, a 6-under round today. What clicked out there for you?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, today was a lot of fun. It was really solid. No bogeys, six birdies, which was good. I was disappointed obviously after yesterday.

So I just tried to go out today and try to get some shots back, which I feel like I did and was able to climb up the leaderboard a bit, too, which is really exciting. Hopefully just do more things like today the rest of the week.

Q. You've had some great finishes here in the past. What do you like about this golf course?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I love coming here to Singapore. It's one much of my favourite stops opponent tour. It's beautiful, it's so clean and the people are so nice. The golf course, I feel like if I'm hitting it really well that it really suits my game. There's a lot of birdie opportunities out there and hopefully just play smart and give myself a lot of good looks.

Q. There's a new bunker on 18. How does that change your strategy at all?

BROOKE HENDERSON: 18 was a tough shot before the bunker was there. It definitely adds another element. It's nice, though. If it's like a little bit downwind, you can carry it, which makes it a little bit easier, but definitely requires a great tee shot on a tough finishing hole.

Q. And we are still in the beginning of 2024 here. What are you looking forward to most this year? I know there's Olympics on the horizon. All that good stuff.

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's a really full schedule and I'm excited about the opportunity to go out and play every week against the best players in the world. I think the majors and the Olympics, they are all at amazing venues. It's definitely really exciting, and I'm looking forward to it.

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141322-1-1003 2024-03-01 07:07:00 GMT

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