HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 1 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Nasa Hataoka

Quick Quotes

Q. Nasa, your second round HSBC Women's World Championship, a solid round today near the top of the leaderboard. How did your game feel?

NASA HATAOKA: I really focus on my game, and it was solid round today.

Q. Were there any parts of your game that stuck out to you?

NASA HATAOKA: Especially my putting is good.

Q. Is that something you worked on in the off-season or these past few weeks?

NASA HATAOKA: This beginning week, Greg told me my shoulder is a little bit close in my setup. So I just tried to set up square to my target. I think it works good.

Q. It seems to be helping. You had a chip-in on your last hole. How exciting was that?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, I was trying to save the par, so it was so exciting.

Q. And that is great energy to lead into your round tomorrow. What are you going to work on, anything after your round today?

NASA HATAOKA: I want to work on my tee shot. It's because sometimes I push right a lot, so I want to improve that part.

Q. And this is kind of still the beginning of the 2024 season. What are you looking forward to most this year? I know there's Olympics on the horizon, a lot of great tournaments this year.

NASA HATAOKA: I want to win like any tournament, major, especially major. But I want to win this season.

Q. And this isn't your first time here at this tournament; correct?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, this is my fifth start.

Q. What do you enjoy most about being back here?

NASA HATAOKA: It's a really nice city, Singapore. The food is really good. I like chicken rice.

Q. It is there anything about this tournament, this course maybe, that you really enjoy as well?

NASA HATAOKA: It's really challenging golf course. I really enjoy playing this golf course.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141323-1-1003 2024-03-01 07:08:00 GMT

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