HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 2 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Lilia Vu

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously a little bit of a disappointing finish with the bogey on the last hole but yesterday, no birdies in your 2-over 74, today five birdies, the lone bogey for a 68. 34 putts yesterday, 27 today. What made the difference?

LILIA VU: Yeah, absolutely my putting was a little bit off yesterday. I wasn't able to convert any but today it was a little better.

Q. One thing that's admirable about the best players is their ability to win all around the world and you've done that in the last 12 months. What about your game travels so well?

LILIA VU: I think I just treat every tournament the same way. I try to go out there and play my best, and try to make as many birdies as I can.

Q. The wind is picking up; what's the key for you tomorrow?

LILIA VU: I think kind of just stay patient, let the birdies come and not get too upset with every mistake. Just do the same thing that I've always been doing.

Q. So night and day difference between yesterday and today. Can you talk us through a little about your round?

LILIA VU: I think today was a little bit of a slower start. I know that this course is playing tough.

So I'm just trying to place myself in the fairway where I can and one step at a time and then go for the pins and not try to be too aggressive with these pin placements. The greens are firm.

So you want to land in the right area; and if it gets up to the pin, it gets up to the pin and you get a good shot at birdie. I think we just stuck to our game plan. Just played one shot at a time and not too aggressive.

Q. Conditions today are different again. The weather has made a difference. I heard you mentioning that 17 and 18 are playing particularly hard. What will players be expecting?

LILIA VU: Yeah, it was a tucked left back pin for 17 downwind, so I hit a soft, high 6-iron, and I didn't stop it on the green. I landed just on and I rolled over the back. I can't imagine like a lot of the other players can stop it.

One girl in my group did stop it on the back fringe part on the pin but it's pretty difficult when you have mid-iron to long iron into that green, and it's howling downwind off the left, and so that one's difficult, and then also 18 was moved up.

But the bunker just comes more into play, I think, just because you're more aggressive. I went in the bunker. So that was my bogey there.

Q. So do you think the way I turned it around from yesterday to today, do you think that's sort of part of the confidence and self-assuredness you got from winning four times last year, believing in yourself allows you that confidence?

LILIA VU: Absolutely. And yesterday was really not a good putting day for me. So I knew that weren't myself. So I was just waiting for today to come so I could make more birdies.

Q. And then you're able to shake off the bogey on the last, because you're doing something quite special this evening.

LILIA VU: I'm going to see Taylor Swift with my mom. I know every single song. I don't know that I'm going to sing the whole way, and until the surprise songs, and then time to go get ready for tomorrow.

Q. Seems like you're enjoying of being in Singapore and making the most of traveling the world with the tour?

LILIA VU: Absolutely. I've been enjoying a bunch of of the shopping, so yeah, that's been great. Went to Shake Shack last night, so it kind of reminded me of home. I've been enjoying everything, the people out here, the fans. The golf course is always beautiful. I love coming to Singapore every year.

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