HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 2 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Andrea Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Terrific playing out there today, 5-under par 67. Going back to yesterday, you got it to 5-under par at one point, dropped back to 2-under. Started today 2-under, dropped back to 1-under. And now you're 7-under par. What sparked the turnaround?

ANDREA LEE: Just stayed really patient out there today. I knew that there are birdie holes out here, and I just stayed really patient. I hit a lot of fairways and a lot of greens and I made some putts and scored really well, so I'm proud of myself.

Q. Speaking of hitting a lot of fairways, you never missed a fairway today and you've only missed three all week. This is not an easy driving course, so how good does the driver feel in your hand right now?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, great. Last week in Thailand I struggled a little bit with the driver. But I think I finally got it in check and it's working really well this week. Hopefully I have a good driving day tomorrow. It's important to hit fairways out here.

Q. You finished 56 last year and currently tied for second. Is this a course that requires knowledge?

ANDREA LEE: A little bit. I feel like last year really helped with the knowledge of the course and I know the course a little bit better and the greens a little bit better. Took advantage of that. I brought my old score book from last year to get reads from those pin placements to this year. Playing solidly, and a little bit of knowledge helps.

Q. 5-under today, how did your game feel out there?

ANDREA LEE: I feel great today. Even yesterday, I felt like I was striking the ball really well. Just wasn't able to capitalise on some putts. I had one double on the scorecard, so that hurt me a little. I think I learned from it today and stayed really patient out there and played well, so I'm pretty happy with my round.

Q. And you might not have had the result you wanted last year but what were you able to take away from last year that you carried into this week?

ANDREA LEE: A little bit of course knowledge. It always helps to know the course ahead of time. I was just looking at my old yardage book and transferring notes to this year's. It always helps.

I feel comfortable out here. I didn't miss a fairway today which was pretty nice. Just very proud of myself.

Q. You played last week in Thailand. What were some adjustments maybe you made from last week to this week?

ANDREA LEE: Actually with the driver, I felt like I a struggled a little bit off the tee. Maybe hitting the fairways about but not quite getting distance I wanted out of it. The weekend a few things on the range this week and I feel a lot better. I feel like I'm really going after the drives and swinging confidently, and I think that's the biggest change.

Q. And you already won once out here on the LPGA. How eager are you for another win, being within a few shots right now?

ANDREA LEE: It's definitely a goal of mine this year to get that second win. I kind of had an up-and-down year last year but I feel like I'm starting off strong and hopefully the putts will drop tomorrow and we'll see how it pans out at the end of the day.

Q. And you were a member of the Solheim Cup team last year. How much is that on your mind as well this year?

ANDREA LEE: Definitely on my mind. I had a blast in Spain, thanks to Stacy and the team. It was just an amazing experience, and hopefully I get to do it again this year and win back the Cup.

Q. I don't know if you've heard, but Taylor Swift is here this week. Do you have a favourite Taylor Swift song, by chance?

ANDREA LEE: Right now it's definitely Cruel Summer. It at the top of my songs played list on Spotify. Every time I hit that list, it's the first one. I listen to it a lot. I love it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141345-1-1003 2024-03-02 06:33:00 GMT

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