HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 2 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. Hannah, third round at the HSBC Women's World Championship, solid round today. Can you talk about your round and how you felt out there?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I felt good again. Shot 5-under. I didn't really hit many greens again today or fairways, but I managed to miss it in the right areas to give myself the best chance to make par. That was important today, as not sure how the weather will be tomorrow.

Q. When you're having some of those days grinding it out, probably feels like you're telling yourself to stay positive and you shot 5-under, so there were some birdies out there?

HANNAH GREEN: I knew I needed to make pars on certain holes and not be as aggressive and when I have wedge in my hand, try to go for the pin. My caddie and I do a good job of that. It can be tough. Even though I shot 5-under, it still felt like a lot of work compared to yesterday. Put myself in good position for tomorrow.

Q. In that position, do you sometimes prefer to be at the top with people chasing you or chasing people?

HANNAH GREEN: It depends. I've been fortunate to win in both circumstances, so that's kind of nice. I think with how unpredictable tomorrow's weather might be, yeah, hopefully we get all 18 in.

I just hope that we have a nice 18-hole round and there's no 54-hole tournament.

Q. Last few questions. How was your off-season?

HANNAH GREEN: It was really good. It was busy in a very non-golf way. Got married on the 19th of January. Bought a house. Moved in right before Thailand. It's been a really nice couple months. Really nice to be at home and see my friends and family because when I leave for America in March, I'm playing Blue Bay, and then going to Perth for a few weeks. Not sure when I'll be back. It's been really nice to be back.

Q. Were you able to get settled before you left for Thailand?

HANNAH GREEN: Most things are organized.

Q. How was it last year managing golf and probably wedding planning as well?

HANNAH GREEN: It was interesting. Definitely gave me a little bit of stress within the last couple months. But we had a lot of fun. The day just went by so quickly. All this preparation for seven, eight hours. But it was an amazing day and so nice to have some of the LPGA people there.

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141347-1-1003 2024-03-02 07:20:00 GMT

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